✅ Added mods
- Ambiance [-] [⚡]
- Fix Horizontal Camera Lag [=]
- OptiGui [-]
- World Play Time [=] [⚡]
- Tiny Item Animations [=] [⚡]
- Status Effect Bars [=]
- Noisium [+]
❌ Removed Mods
- C2ME [-]
- Particle Interactions [+] [⚡]
- Fast Chests [-]
- StendHal [=]
- Krypton [-]
- Ksyxis [-]
- InvMove [=] [⚡]
- Smooth Swapping [+] [⚡]
🛡 Other
- [⚡] ♻ Updated Configs
- ♻ Updated Mods
- [⚡] ♻ Updated Resource Packs
- ♻ Updated Shader Packs
- Removed Complementary Reimagined and Unbound shaders (bug, fix soon)
- Removed resourse packs folder "Дополнительные" in order to avoid copyright infringement
Tag Explanation
- [+] - positive impact
- [=] - no impact/small
- [-] - negative impact
- [⚡] - massive change
✅ Added Mods
- Dynamic Crosshair [=] [⚡]
- Particle Interactions [-] [⚡]
- Visual Keys [=]
- Video Tape [+]
- Durability Tooltip [=]
- Cull Leaves [+]
❌ Removed Mods
- Seamless Loading Screen [+]
- Durability Plus [=]
- Item Highlighter [=]
- Cull Less Leaves [-]
- [⚡] ♻ Updated Configs
- [⚡] ♻ Updated Mods
- ♻ Updated Resource Packs
- [⚡] ♻ Updated Shader Packs
Added Mods: ⚡ Flow, ⚡ Screen Fx
Removed Mods: Better Statistics Screen, Simple Shulker Preview, Status Effect Bars, Interactic, Thread Tweaks, Simply No Shading, Provi's Health Bars, Blur+, Google Chat
- ◼ Mods Changed: [⚡] LambDynamicLight >>> RyoamicLights, Cull Leaves >>> Cull Less Leaves
- [⚡] ♻ Updated Configs
- [⚡] ♻ Updated Mods
- ♻ Updated Resource Packs
- [⚡] ♻ Updated Shader Packs
Added Mods: ⚡ Subtle Effects, Smooth Swapping, ImmediatelyFast, ViaVersion, ViaFabric, ViaBackwards
Removed Mods: Better Ping Displays
- ◼ Mods Changed: RyoamicLights >>> LambDynamicLight
- ♻ Updated Configs
- ♻ Updated Mods
- ♻ Updated Resource Packs
- ♻ Updated Shader Packs
Added Mods: FabriShot, Zoomify
Removed Mods: Better Saved Hotbar, OK Boomer, Nvidium
- 🛑 Disabled Mods: ImmediatelyFast
Why was the ImmediatelyFast mod disabled?
Mod ImmediatelyFast caused a bunch of bugs, because of which it was not comfortable to use the game. (When you die and revive for some time entity is not visible) I believe these bugs occurred due to incompatibility with other mods for optimization
- 🧰 Changed Binds
- 🧰 Sodium is back on version 0.6.0
- ⚡ Updated Configs
- ⚡ Updated Settings
- ♻ Updated Mods
- ♻ Updated Resource Packs
- ♻ Updated Shader Packs
🎮 2.0.2 Changes
- ✅ Added Mods: Nvidium, Indium
- ❌ Removed Mods: Show Me Your Skin
💨 Explanation
- ❓ Downgrade? - We have downgraded the latest version of sodium to 0.5.11 for the sake of some mods. Also, in order for everything to work stably, you have downgraded the version of several more mods.
- ❓ Show Me Your Skin - Deleted because the game crash was caused when opening the config via the mod menu and the texture of the config was not loaded
- ⚠ Resourse Packs fixed
🎮 2.0 Changes
- ✅ Added Mods: Fast Recipe, Simple Shulker Preview, Click Through, Show Me Your Skin, RyoamicLights 💥, Thread Tweak, Fast Quit 💥, Euphoria Patches 💥, Fast Trading, Ksyxis, Particular, F3+S Confirm, Puzzle, Status effect bars, CIT Resewn 💥, Blur+ 💥, Client Tweaks, Bobby
- ❌ Removed Mods: Ambient Sounds, Fabric Sky Boxes, Held Item Info, Pick Block Pro, No Chat Reports, My Totem Doll, Symbol Chat, Smooth Gui, Indium, Nvidium
- 🔰 Mods Changed: Mouse Tweaks >>> Item Scroller
- ❌♻ Removed useless Shader Packs
- ✅♻ Added MANY Resource Packs (in folder "Дополнительные")
💨 Explanation
- ❌[REMOVED] Indium >> Incompatibility with Sodium 0.6
- ❌[REMOVED] Nvidium >> Incompatibility with Sodium 0.6
- ☢ Resourse Packs updated [💥 MANY 💥]
- ☢ Mods updated [💥 MANY 💥]
- ☢ Configs updated [💥 MANY 💥]
- ☢ Shaders Packs updated
🚀 1.0 Changes
- ✅ Added Mods: Better Clouds, FabriShot, More Culling, My Totem Doll, Simply No Shading, Particle Core, Better Saved Hotbars, Pick Block Pro, No Chat Reports, Very Many Players, Better Statistic Screen, ScalableLux, Legendary Tooltips, Item Highlighter, Smooth Gui, Axiom, Item Held Info
- ❌ Mods Removed: Motion Blur, Wakes, Show Me Your Skin, Falling Leaves, Language Reload, uku Armor Hud, OptiGui, Puzzle, Spark, Faster Random, Ksyxis, kennytvs-epic-force-close-loading-screen-mod-for-fabric, 3D-Skin-Layers, Better Suggestions, Custom Hud, Sound Physics Remastered
- 🔰 Mods Changed:
- Full Brightness Toggle --> Gamma Utils
- Extra Sounds --> Sounds
- ❌ Removed needless Shader Packs
- ☢ Resourse Packs updated
- ☢ Mods updated [🔥MANY🔥]
- ☢ Configs updated [🔥MANY🔥]
- ☢ Shaders Packs updated
❓ Sound Physics Remastered was removed due to incompatibility with the Sounds mod
❓ RyoamicLights has been removed due to optimization problems and a severe bug that makes it impossible to use the mod
To solve the problem, it was written to the developer on GitHub, but there is still no answer
The mod will appear in the future (hopefully)
Issue: https://github.com/ThinkingStudios/RyoamicLights/issues/39
🚀 4.0 Changes
- ✅ Added Mods: Fog Looks Good Now, Language Reload, FastQuit, FabriShot, Bobby, Better Statistics Screen, Very Many Players
- ❌ Mods Removed: Falling Leaves, WorldEdit CUI, Show Me Your Skin, Motion blur, 3D-Skin-Layers, Custom Hud, Ksyxis, Small View Model, uku Armor Hud, Wakes
- 🔰 Mods Changed: Full Brightness Toggle --> Gamma Utils
- ☢ Resourse Packs updated
- ☢ Mods updated [🔥MANY🔥]
- ☢ Configs updated
- ✅ Added mods: Smoth scrolling, Smooth particles, Motion blur, Bad optimizations
- ❌ Removed mods: Better Third Person, FastAnim, In-Game Account Switcher, more-culling, more-culling-extra, chat animation, debugify, calc mod, Suggestion Tweaker, NBT Autocomplete
- 💱 Mods updated
- 💱 Configs updated
- ❗ Why mod Suggestion Tweaker removed?
- Incompatible with Smooth scrolling
- ❗ Why mod NBT Autocomplete removed?
- Incompatible with Smooth scrolling
- ✅ Моды добавлены: Smoth scrolling, Smooth particles, Motion blur, Bad optimizations
- ❌ Моды убраны: Better Third Person, FastAnim, In-Game Account Switcher, more-culling, more-culling-extra, chat animation, debugify, calc mod, Suggestion Tweaker, NBT Autocomplete
- 💱 Моды обновлены
- 💱 Конфиги обновлены
- ❗ Почему мод Suggestion Tweaker убран?
- Несовместим с Smooth scrolling
- ❗ Почему мод NBT Autocomplete убран?
- Несовместим с Smooth scrolling