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AdvancedReplay is a Replay system for Spigot 1.8 & 1.21. It can record players on your Server and save the recorded data to a file or database, so you can watch the replays at any time. Currently it records almost every action a player does and can be easily controlled with the commands.
⚠️ This Plugin needs ProtocolLib to run.
Replaying: When watching a replay you have a variety of tools to control the replay. For example, you can pause it, change the speed, teleport to one of the players and more.
Easy to use API: AdvancedReplay comes with a lot of possibilities for customization with the api, including a way to change how replays are saved and a possibility to add and replay your own data. For more details take look at the API section.
Recorded Data:
AdvancedReplay is currently able to record players, living entities, items and Projectiles.
- Player movements
- Player actions (Eating, Arm animations & more)
- Inventory changes
- Metadata updates
- Projectiles
- Dropped Items
- Block changes by players
- Chat messages
If you encounter any bugs please report them in Github.
In the config.yml you can configure some general settings about the plugin and the recorded data If you want to use a database you also need to set up the mysql.yml. If you want to disable a notification or message just leave it empty.
# General plugin settings
# Maximum length of a replay in seconds
max_length: 3600
# Create a new recording on startup
# save_on_stop and add_new_players should be enabled
record_on_startup: false
# Should the Replay be saved on shutdown/when the maximum length is exceeded?
save_on_stop: false
# Should the plugin save the Replays to a mysql database?
# If enabled you need to configure the mysql.yml
use_mysql: false
# Save the Replays to an S3 compatible Storage
# If enabled you need to configure s3.yml
use_s3: false
# If enabled in offline mode, the plugin will fetch the skin data from Mojang
# Can slow down the server when recording a lot of players
use_offline_skins: true
# Change how detailed movement is recorded. Better quality results in larger replays
# Options: high, medium, low
quality: high
# Automatically delete replays after a specific amount of time (days)
# Use -1 to disable
cleanup_replays: -1
# Hide all players that are not participating in a replay
hide_players: false
# Should players when they join after a recording started be added to all running recordings
add_new_players: false
# Should AdvancedReplay check for new updates?
update_notifications: true
# This message is displayed when a player dies
death_message: '&6{name} &7died.'
# This message is displayed when a player leaves the game
quit_message: '&6{name} &7left the game.'
# This message is displayed when a player joins the game
join_message: '&6{name} &7joined the game.'
# Configuration of the replaying settings
# Reset block changes after watching a replay?
reset_changes: false
# How should the replay progress be displayed
# Options: action_bar, xp_bar, none
progress_display: action_bar
# Configuration of the recording data
# Enable recording of block changes?
enabled: true
# Use real block changes when replaying?
real_changes: true
# Enable recording of all living entities?
enabled: true
# Enable recording of items?
enabled: true
# Enable recording of chat messages?
enabled: true
# Format of recorded chat messages
format: '&r<{name}> {message}'
/replay - Overview of all commands
/replay start [Name]:[Duration] [<Players ...>] - Starts recording a new Replay
/replay stop <Name> [-nosave|-force] - Stops and saves a Replay
/replay play <Name> - Starts a recorded Replay
/replay jump <Time> - Jump to a specific moment
/replay leave - Leave your Replay
/replay info <Name> - Information about a Replay
/replay delete <Name> - Deletes an existing Replay
/replay list [Page] - Lists all available Replays
/replay reload - Reloads the configuration
replay.command.<Command> - Permission for the specific command
API Examples
Register a custom ReplaySaver
ReplayAPI.getInstance().registerReplaySaver(new IReplaySaver() {
public void saveReplay(Replay replay) {
ReplayData data = replay.getData();
// Will be called to save a new replay
public boolean replayExists(String replayName) {
// Return true if the replay exists
return false;
public void loadReplay(String replayName, Consumer<Replay> consumer) {
// Load the ReplayData and return a new replay to the consumer
consumer.accept(new Replay(replayName, new ReplayData()));
public void deleteReplay(String replayName) {
// Will be called to delete an existing replay
public List<String> getReplays() {
// Return all available replays
return null;
Register your own ReplayHook
ReplayAPI.getInstance().registerHook(new IReplayHook() {
public PacketData onRecord(String playerName) {
* Will be called every tick for every player that is being recorded.
* Return a PacketData containing the data that you want to add.
return null;
public void onPlay(ActionData data, Replayer replayer) {
String name = data.getName();
PacketData packetData = data.getPacketData();
// Will be called whenever a previous recorded action should be played
Replay Events
public void onReplayFinished(ReplaySessionFinishEvent e) {
Player player = e.getPlayer();
Replay replay = e.getReplay();