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v3.0.1 (BungeeCord, Waterfall)


This is a small update making some improvements to the code, while also fixing a few minor things.


  • Created a BukkitCore<F> class to extend the JavaPlugin class and implement the PluginCore<F> interface respectively. This allowed me to simply provide the class instance for cases where either a JavaPlugin or a PluginCore instance was needed.
  • Made AdvancedServerList have a Type parameter (So it became AdvancedServerList<F> This was made to get rid of PluginCore<?> usage, which I wasn't a big fan of.
  • Unregister PlaceholderAPI expansion when plugin is disabling itself. This should allow support for using /reload (Although I do not recommend using that).


  • PlaceholderAPI expansion not being set as Persistent. It should now no longer be unregistered when using /papi reload
  • JoinEvent class not being registered as a Event listener


AdvancedServerList-BungeeCord-3.0.1.jar(4.73 MiB) Primary Download

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