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v4.6.2 (velocity)


This is a rather embarassing update for me...

AdvancedServerList has been using the wrong protocol version for the ${player protocol} placeholder. Instead of actually using the protocol the player uses, it used the protocol the proxy was using.
This could mean that the protocol returned could be different, depending on whether servers were connected to the proxy or not. This should hopefully be fixed now.

Clarification on BungeeCord/Waterfall support

My last post on this was unfortunately not to well written and may have caused confusion, so I take the oportunity to clarify this a bit now:
AdvancedServerList will keep support for BungeeCord, Waterfall and whatever other fork it may support here. However! Should there be any major breaking changes in the future (Which I doubt given BungeeCords conservative aproach on those) will I not try to fix those breaking changes and instead drop support altogether.
This means that for as long as the API doesn't introduce breaking changes, AdvancedServerList will support it.


AdvancedServerList-Velocity-4.6.2.jar(3.2 MiB) Primary Download
AdvancedServerList-BanPlugins-Addon-4.6.2.jar(21.74 KiB) Download

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