Host your Minecraft server on BisectHosting - get 25% off your first month with code MODRINTH.


Create a RESTful API for your Minecraft server, with custom values, such as a PlaceholderAPI placeholder value.



You can view the wiki here. This page is a go-to if you want to learn about all the features this plugin offers. This modrinth page only covers the basics.


Installation is very typical.

  • Download the plugin
  • Put it in (server folder)/plugins
  • (Re)start your server.


If you haven't touched the config.yml file, then you should be able to see the default page at (machine ip):4567/api/global Right now, it simply shows your Minecraft server's name with the %server_name% placeholder from the PlaceholderAPI expansion named Server. If you don't want an advanced use of it, changing the default values will do just fine.

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