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AuthBB - Enhanced Boss Bar Integration for AuthMe [Proxy Teleport - Multi Lobby Support]
AuthBB is a handy Spigot plugin that makes logging in and registering on your Minecraft server easier. It works smoothly with AuthMe and adds a cool boss bar interface along with extra features.
Important Notes:
This plugin has only been tested on version 1.21. While I cannot guarantee compatibility with older versions, you are welcome to try it out. If you find that it works on an older version, please let me know so I can update the thread and inform more people about it. Thank you.
Key Features:
- Login and Register Boss Bar: Automatically creates a customizable boss bar with a countdown timer on the login and register screen, making the authentication process more engaging for players.
- Customizable Titles: Offers the option to display personalized titles on login, registration, and connection screens, enhancing the visual experience and providing important information to players.
- Proxy Teleport Support: Compatible with BungeeCord and Velocity server systems, enabling smooth integration and consistent performance across different server setups.
- Multiple Lobby Support: You can have more than one lobby, and AuthBB will randomly send your players to one of the configured ones.
- Auto Kick Feature: Configurable kick mechanism that removes players from the server after a specified number of seconds if they are not logged in or registered.
- Fully Customizable: Offers extensive customization options, including boss bar appearance, messages, timers, and command messages.
- Session Support: Works seamlessly with AuthMe's session feature.
Some Extra Features:
- Teleport on Join
- Make Players Invisible
- Prevent Movement
- Disable Chat
- Remove Join and Leave Messages
Commands and Permissions:
- /send Command: Provides server admins with the ability to send players to lobby servers using the command
/send (playername) (servername)
.- Permission Node:
- Permission Node:
- /server Command: Lets players connect directly to the lobby server using the
/server (servername)
command.- Permission Node:
- Permission Node:
- /AuthBB help Command: Displays a comprehensive help page with separate sections for players and admins based on their permissions.
- If a player has the
permission, they see the admin help page, providing easy access to all commands and features available to them.
- If a player has the
Some Visuals from AuthBB
Register Screen
Kick System
Server Command
Send Command
Advanced Inform Messages
Contact Me:
If you need any help or improvements with the plugin, please feel free to contact me.
Please report any problems with the plugin and share your suggestions so I can improve it.
Discord ID: streetmelodeez
Config File
## This plugin made by Altkat(StreetMelodeez) V1.3 ##
## Feel free to contact me for anything on discord: streetmelodeez ##
## Please consider using a plugin manager(PlugManX) to reload the plugin, or restart the server after you changed something in the config file. ##
#This option is for bungeecord, velocity and any other proxy systems.
#It will connect players after they successfully logged-in or registered to the stated server(s) in the servers section below.
#Please make sure you write server name exactly the same as in your proxy configuration file.
enabled: false
servers: #If you have multiple lobby servers you can add here as much as you want as shown, and it will send the player randomly one of the configured servers. Please remove the other servers if you only have one lobby server.
- lobby
- lobby2
delay: 3 #How many seconds should I wait before sending a player to the desired server(s) after they have logged in?
#These are the messages for proxy connecting and commands.
#%_% parts are placeholders please include them in your sentences as they are in the default config.
error: "&cAn error occurred while connecting you, please try to use &a/server command &cif that's not working please contact to an admin."
success: "&aYou're being connected to the server. If the server has not connected you yet you can use &b/server &acommand."
error-command: "&cAn error occurred while connecting you, please make sure you are writing one of the following server name(s): &a%server_name%."
wait: "&cYou are sending commands too quickly please wait a moment!"
only-players: "&4Only players can use this command!"
no-permission: "&4You don't have the permission to use this command!"
wrong-usage-server: "&cWrong usage! Please type &a/server servername."
wrong-usage-send: "&cWrong usage! Please type &a/send (player) (server)"
connecting: "&aYou are being connected to the server..."
disabled: "&cThis feature is disabled in the config file."
send-success-sender: "&aYou are sending player %player% to the server %server%."
send-success-sent: "&aYou are being connected to the lobby by an admin."
player-not-found: "&4Player not found!"
server-not-found: "&4Server not found!"
wrong-configuration-player: "&4There is something wrong with the authbb proxy configuration, please contact to an admin."
wrong-configuration-console: "&4There is something wrong with your authbb proxy configuration, please make sure you have set everything correct in the server section. It seems like you have a server in server(s) section above which is not in your proxy config file."
not-authenticated: "&4Player is not authenticated!"
player-already-connecting: "&4Player already being connected!"
#Please make sure you do not write anything other than the listed options below for color and style sections.
#Possible color options: RED, YELLOW, BLUE, GREEN, PINK, PURPLE, WHITE.
#Possible style options: SOLID, SEGMENTED_6, SEGMENTED_10, SEGMENTED_12, SEGMENTED_20.
#And for time option you need to give a second type integer ex: 30 for 30 seconds.
#This is the boss bar which is created on registered players' login screen.
title: "&6Please login in &a%time% &6seconds."
color: "GREEN"
style: "SEGMENTED_10"
time: 30
#This is the boss bar which is created on unregistered players' login screen.
title: "&bPlease register in &a%time% &6seconds."
color: "BLUE"
style: "SEGMENTED_10"
time: 30
#This is the title shown when a registered player joins the server.
title: "&6Please Login"
subtitle: "&f/login password"
fadein: 2
stay: 5
fadeout: 2
#This is the title shown when an unregistered player joins the server.
title: "&bPlease register"
subtitle: "&f/register password password"
fadein: 2
stay: 5
fadeout: 2
#This is the title shown when a player are being connected to the server.
#Only works if proxy is enabled above.
title: "&fConnecting"
subtitle: "&cYou are being connected to the lobby"
fadein: 2
stay: 5
fadeout: 2
#Should I kick the player if the time runs out?
#If enabled players will be kicked out when they are not logged in or registered in the specified seconds above in the bossbar section.
#If you disabled kick feature and using AuthMe's kick feature please make sure you match bossbar time's with the AuthMe's kick time.
enabled: false
login-message: "You are kicked because you didn't logged-in in time"
register-message: "You are kicked because you did not registered in time"
teleport-on-join: false #This will immediately teleport the player to the location specified below after joining the server.
- 0.0 #x coordinate
- 0.0 #y coordinate
- 0.0 #z coordinate
- 0.0 #yaw value
- 0.0 #pitch value
makeInvisible: false #Should I give players the invisibility effect?
#If your spawn point is in the void, if players are not standing on a block at the spawnpoint, and they are falling off on join, please do not enable this option.
preventMovement: false #Should I prevent players from moving? AuthMe already handles this while players are not authenticated; this can be used to prevent players from moving after they have logged in.
disableChat: false #Should I prevent players from sending messages? AuthMe already handles this while players are not authenticated; this can be used to prevent players from sending messages after they have logged in.
removeJoinMessage: false #Should I remove join messages?
removeLeaveMessage: false #Should I remove left messages?