Minecraft: Java Edition
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Published 2 weeks ago
Updated 2 weeks ago
Description: This plugin introduces six unique races/classes, each with their own abilities and attributes, bringing a whole new level of depth and excitement to your Minecraft gameplay experience while keeping it close to vanilla.
Elves: Agile and perceptive, Elves are naturally athletic and swift. Their heightened senses and endurance allow them to move effortlessly through dense forests, making them masters of woodland navigation.
Stonediggers: Strong and resilient, these towering giants excel in mining across any terrain. With their impressive height and unmatched strength, Stonediggers dominate the underground realms, unearthing treasures with ease.
Sandborn: Native to the deserts, the Sandborn are tall beings known for their remarkable speed. They can sprint through any type of sand, their prowess making them formidable adversaries in the arid landscapes.
Hybrids: Exceptionally swift swimmers, Hybrids possess extraordinary lung capacity, enabling them to explore the depths of any aquatic environment. Their amphibious nature grants them unparalleled agility in water.
Featherlings: Resembling bird-like humanoids, Featherlings are less affected by gravity. They can leap from any height without suffering damage, gliding gracefully and safely to the ground.
Windrunners: Renowned for their flexibility and speed, Windrunners are adept at navigating any terrain. Their agility and swift reflexes make them elusive and efficient runners, capable of outpacing most foes.
/race choose: Allows players to choose one of the races. This choice is not changeable unless with the help of an operator.
/race check <player>: Allows you to see which race a certain player belongs to.
/race visualize: Admin-only command to enable or disable the class of a player in-game, in chat, and on the tablist.
/race remove: Admin command to remove the race of a player, allowing them to re-choose.
Additional Features:
All classes that aren't Sandborn become slightly slowed down in the desert.
Some abilities only work in the biome fitting the class/race (e.g., Elves gain regeneration and speed in forests but not elsewhere).
Installation: To install the Fantasy Races & Classes plugin, simply download the plugin file and place it in your server's plugin directory. Restart your server, and you're ready to go!
Note: This is the first-ever plugin created by the developer. Do not use it in any version below 1.21.