


You can execute predefined commands across the Velocity network, enabling remote execution of server commands specified in a configuration file.

Server Game MechanicsManagementOptimizationTechnologyUtility

Created2 months ago
Updated3 days ago

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Velocity Version 1.2 RELEASE

New Features:

  • bStats: The plugin now sends anonymous statistics. You can disable this in the bStats configuration file

Bug Fixes:

  • Unused Code Replaced: Performance issues were resolved by removing unused code snippets.

Velocity Version 1.1 RELEASE

New Features:

  • New Configuration Options: Users can now disable checks to see if the executor is a player and if the player is on the target server.

  • Code Refactoring: The entire codebase has been refactored to enhance readability and performance.

  • Enhanced Documentation: Updated and detailed documentation, complete with examples, is now available at CommandBridge Documentation.

Bug Fixes:

  • Error Messaging Improvement: Fixed an issue where error messages were repeatedly sent in chat when executing multiple commands and an error such as "you are not on the server" occurred.

  • Multithreading Stability: Resolved issues related to multithreading errors.

Velocity Bukkit 1.1 RELEASE

New Features:

Bug Fixes:

  • Major Issues with Verbose Logger: Resolved issues related to logging messaging.

Velocity version 1.0


  • Added timeout functionality for command execution to prevent indefinite waits. Commands will now timeout after 30 seconds if conditions are not met.
  • Improved command parsing logic to handle complex command structures more efficiently.

Bug Fixes:

  • Fixed an issue where commands would not execute under certain conditions when players were switching servers.
  • Resolved a bug that caused verbose logging settings to not apply until a restart.

New Features:

  • Implemented a feature allowing administrators to specify commands that only execute when a player is online on a specific server.

Bukkit version 1.0


  • Enhanced the security of command execution to prevent unauthorized access.
  • Updated the YML configuration loading to handle file corruptions more gracefully.

Bug Fixes:

  • Corrected an error that caused server-specific commands to fail in rare cases.

New Features:

  • Integrated basic verbose logging for troubleshooting and operational monitoring.

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