


World protection and performance self management plugin

Server Game MechanicsManagementOptimization

1 follower
Createda year ago
Updated2 months ago

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General protection plug-in against.:

Explosions (TNT and End Star) above y level (configurable);

Wither spawn above y level (configurable);

Temporary antigrief mode enabled by chat (!antigrief on/off);

TPS self balancer (controls new mobs spawns when having lower tps);

Lag control by removing dropped items when TPS gets low;

several types of hacks;

Java 11+ is required

Summary of settings:

tpsProtection (enable or disable tps protection, default true)

speedProtection (enable or disable monitoring of abnormal player speed, default true

ExplodeProtection (enable or disable explosion protections, default true)

hackProtection (enable or disable hack protection, default false)

antiChatReport (enable or disable, a different way to send messages to all players not suitable of reporting, default false)

WitherProtection (enable or disable wither protection, default true)

autoShutdown (enable or disable shutdown at configured time if no player is connected, default false)

If all options are off, plugin will still:

allow you to enable via command AntigriefProtection on or off (plugin always starts with it off)

show you lag information via command !lagmeter on or off (real-time and avarage of current and last minute)

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