更新内容 | Update Content
- 再次修复铁砧配方总是出现同一个结果的bug | Fixed anvil recipe always giving the same result
- 修复https://github.com/YufiriaMazenta/Craftorithm/issues/69 | Fixed https://github.com/YufiriaMazenta/Craftorithm/issues/69
更新内容 | Update Content
- 优化铁砧配方的匹配逻辑,新增copy_enchantments(仅复制附魔)选项 | Optimized the logic of anvil recipes, added copy_enchantments (copy only enchantments) option
- 新增开关在ItemsAdder重载时一起重载的设置项 | Added a new configuration option switch to reload when ItemsAdder is reloaded
- 兼容1.19.4及以上 | Compatible with Minecraft version 1.19.4 and above
- 修复一些bug | Fixed some bugs
注意事项 | Notes:
此版本开始,插件只适用于1.20.6及以上版本,且旧版插件自带物品功能无法迁移到此版本 | Starting from this version, the plugin is only applicable to version 1.20.6 and above, and the item functions of the old plugin cannot be migrated to this version
更新内容 | Update Content
- 适配1.20.6-1.21 | Completed compatibility with 1.20.6-1.21
- 添加配方书类型功能,在shaped、shapeless以及cooking类型配方中可使用 | Added recipe book category, which can be used in shaped, shapeless and cooking type recipes
配方书类型功能详解 | Detailed explanation of recipe book category
In shaped and shapless recipes, the recipe type can be building, redstone, equipment, and misc
In cooking recipes, the recipe type can be food, blocks, and misc
配方书类型配置示例 | Configuration Example:
工作台配方 | Crafting Recipe:
type: 'shaped'
result: 'diamond_sword'
multiple: true
- - 'aaa'
- 'bbb'
- 'ccc'
- - 'dd'
- 'ee'
a: 'bedrock'
b: 'command_block'
c: 'diamond'
d: 'barrier'
e: 'chain_command_block'
unlock: true
sort_id: 1
category: building
烧炼配方 | Smelting Recipe:
type: cooking
result: bedrock
multiple: true
- block: furnace
item: command_block
exp: 20
time: 100
- block: smoker
item: command_block
- block: campfire
item: command_block
- block: blast_furnace
item: command_block
exp: 10
time: 200
category: blocks
- 兼容Paper去除craftbukkit版本 | Compatible with Paper removal craftbukkit version
- 修复其他插件干扰配方逻辑的bug | Fixed the bug where other plugins interfered with recipe logic
- 修复Folia端下控制台使用item give命令的报错 | Fixed the issue when using the item give command in the console on the Folia side
- 修复配方结果无法正确解析可变数值的bug | Fixed the bug that the recipe result could not correctly parse the variable value