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  • Fixed an issue with casino crate where you could open a casino crate without the key.
  • Temp fix for double message when trying to open a crate with key in off hand. This means for the time being, Keys cannot be used in off hand for physical crates.
    • A few changes will be made to how physical crate locations handle keys in the next 2 days in the dev branch with 2.1 builds.


  • Add the option to HideItemFlags in filler glass and crate preview items
  • Remove examples folder from src/main/resources
  • Add config option to turn off the auto updating of examples folder
  • Clone the already existing files in src/main/resources


Other Changes:

  • You can set the Chance in the crate files to -1 to use filler items
  • Added placeholder api support to broadcast message in each crate file.
  • All bug fixes and other changes from 2.0.3 etc.


  • Fix leather armor not being colored


Breaking Changes:

Please read the previous changelog


  • Fixed a placeholder issue in commands like /key by using the right config path
  • Fixed the examples folder not generating

Pull Requests Merged:


Breaking Changes:

Please read the previous changelog


  • Fixed an issue where setting crate type menu tried to create a hologram.


Breaking Changes:

Do not use this instantly on a live server, Please test it thoroughly before throwing on a live server

Warning, Any keys given to a player will likely not work on older versions. This is not backwards compatible.
I recommend taking a backup of your server prior and restore if needed.
Physical Keys and the data to identify what is a physical key has changed.
Older keys will still work temporarily but please get your players to trade your old physical keys for new ones.

  • Replaced all instances of NBT-API with PersistentDataContainer
  • We do not check if a key has lore/names when checking if you have a valid key because that makes the point of PersistentDataContainer redundant.
  • The ItemBuilder has been updated to a slightly more modern version in preparation for MiniMessage support.


  • Temporarily disabled logging keys to console/file due to a weird issue with keys not being taken, The section handling logging is pending re-write


  • Added extra placeholders to all messages. The messages.yml will update with new comments showing what each message can use.
  • Add config.yml/messages.yml to examples folder which auto-generate on reload.
  • Added a toggle to allow legacy key checks for niche use cases.
  • Added default commands to run per crate if no prize commands are found similar to Prize-Messages
  • Added %reward_stripped% which returns a stripped version of the reward for plugins like DiscordSRV


  • Updated example files in the examples folder
  • All internal placeholders used in config.yml and messages.yml have changed.
    • %player% is now {player}
    • %crate% is now {crate}
    • %amount% is now {amount}
    • %key% is now {key}
    • %keys% is now {keys}
    • %page% is now {page}
    • %prefix% is now {prefix}
    • %world% is now {world}
    • %cratetype% is now {cratetype}
    • %prize% is now {prize}
    • %number% is now {number}
    • %keytype% is now {keytype}
    • %usage% is now {usage}
    • %key-amount% is now {key_amount}
    • %crates_opened% is now {crates_opened}
    • %id% is now {id}
  • Used correct message when a player has no keys using /cc open


  • Added a warning on startup if the spawn protection in isn't 0.
  • Added the ability to add enchants to ENCHANTED_BOOK, so they function in anvil.
      DisplayName: "&d&lSharpness 5 / Looting 3"
      DisplayItem: "ENCHANTED_BOOK"
      DisplayAmount: 1
        - "SHARPNESS:5"
        - "LOOTING:3"
        - "&7A sharp enchantment book."
        - "&6&lChance: &c&l25%"
      MaxRange: 100
      Chance: 25
      Firework: true
        - "&7You just won &r%reward%."
        - "Item:ENCHANTED_BOOK, Amount:1, DAMAGE_ALL:5, LOOTING:3"
  • Added the ability to select custom particles and colors for QuadCrates
  # Only used for quadcrates
  # Only used for "dust" particle
  color: "235,64,52"
  type: "crimson_spore" 
  • Prevent pistons from moving blocks if they are a crate.
  • Play sounds in /crazycrates admin when a player gets virtual/physical keys.
  • Change from sending messages in chat for /crazycrates admin to using action bars.
  • Optimize item meta checks.
  • If the crate main menu is turned off, Trying to do /crates set menu will send you a message saying you can't.
  • If the crate main menu is disabled, /crates will simply open the help message instead.
  • Only check if a player has physical keys if the config option is enabled.


  • Deprecated and marked for removal CrazyCratesService and ICrazyCrates
  • What else will be added in the API? Ways to add your own crate locations, view current crate locations or listen to events etc.


  • Remove player from crate/page/preview arrays on inventory close event as it wasn't before.
  • Fix the player getting a preview message if they weren't in the preview when you did /crates reload.
  • Fixed a bug related to CrateOnTheGo where the event would fire twice using 2 of your crates.
  • Fixed an issue where failed to take keys would fire multiple times.
  • Fixed another issue with mass-open related to being added to opening list and not being removed if no keys found.
  • Fixed multiple issues with how the inventory is checked for keys.
  • Fixed an issue with quadcrates where if you set the structure.random to false, It would still be random.



  • Added the ability to override the menu button functionality to use your own menu through DeluxeMenus and any other gui plugin.
    • The config options have been automatically added to your config.yml and default to false, They can be found where you edit what the menu button looks like.


  • Re-did how /crate admin handles giving keys, It expands the size of the inventory to 54 slots and adds a button at the bottom explaining how to get keys.
    • At the same time, This fixed an issue where the lore of the keys given were different. Will it be paginated? Someday




2e5b558 Remove the period from the command
6a016c1 Update changelog
08b7a6c Add ability to override menu button functions
ab9dad6 Change how the admin key menu functions.
98bcf0f Set admin menu to be 54 by default
156eacc Update run files
99f6566 Always download sources/javadocs
5d1462b [ci-skip] Update publish task
6260fd7 Update jars folder handling
9ead7b9 Merge pull request #652 from Crazy-Crew/update-buildscript
959f7a4 Update javadocs
910bada Placeholderapi support was missing in keyLore
93ed892 Remove unneeded nbt checks
f536fa3 Update buildscript
74213c3 Add fabric module


Crate Types:

  • Added a new crate type called Casino ( Idea by slimemcstew )
    • This allows a player to win 3 prizes with 3 animations while opening a crate.

Ability to have files categorized by folder.

  • It will search for folders in crates such as crates/sub_folder
    • It will not search for folders inside crates/sub_folder such as crates/sub_folder/secondary_folder


  • Added War Crate as a default generated crate.
  • Added the ability to have holograms created using CMI or DecentHolograms have a configurable "block" range.
     # Toggle on and off the holograms for the crates.
     Toggle: true
     # The height of the hologram above the crate.
     Height: 1.5
     # The distance the hologram can be seen. Only works with CMI and DecentHolograms
     Range: 8
     # The message that will be displayed.
        - '&7&lBasic Chest' 
  • Added the ability to configure sounds per crate.
    • The places these sounds apply to are /crate, clicking buttons in /crate, clicking buttons in the crate previews like next/back or exit
  • You can configure the cycling sounds when crates are doing animations, the sounds played when a crate ends.
  • You can adjust the volume of sounds and the speed of the sounds.
  • Clicking each prize in the preview will not produce a sound as that has no purpose.

An example of the configuration layout that you should add to your crate configurations, You can look in the examples folder for the default files.

      # The sound options when the animation is cycling.
         # If sound should be enabled or not.
         toggle: true
         # The type of sound to use.
         # The volume of the pitch.
         volume: 1.0
         # The speed of the sound.
         pitch: 1.0
      # The sound options when an item is clicked.
         # If sound should be enabled or not.
         toggle: true
         # The type of sound to use.
         value: 'UI_BUTTON_CLICK'
         # The volume of the pitch.
         volume: 1.0
         # The speed of the sound.
         pitch: 1.0
      # The sound options when a crate ends.
         # If sound should be enabled or not.
         toggle: true
         # The type of sound to use.
         value: 'ENTITY_PLAYER_LEVELUP'
         # The volume of the pitch.
         volume: 1.0
         # The speed of the sound.
         pitch: 1.0


  • A piece of the configuration for Cosmic Crate has been changed.
    # Turn on and off the preview for this crate.
    toggle: true
    # How many lines the Tier Preview should have. Including Header and Bottom (Between 3 and 6)
    rows: 5
      # Turn the glass border in the preview on and off.
      toggle: true
      # The name of the border item.
      name: ' '
      # The item that shows in the border. Can be glass or any other item.
  # Tier related settings only for Casino should be random.
    # If the tiers should be random.
    toggle: false
    # The rows with pre-defined tiers.
      # Row 1
      row-1: Basic
      # Row 2
      row-2: UnCommon
      # Row 3
      row-3: Rare
  # Tiers are available in Cosmic and Casino crate types.
  # The Tiers the rewards can be found in.
    # The Config Name for the Crate
      # The in-game name of the tier.
      Name: '&8Basic Tier'
      # The in-game lore of the tier.
        - '&7A basic tier.'
      # The item used for the secondary gui when you right-click for the preview.
      Item: 'CHEST'
      # Chance of that item getting picked. It would be 80/100 chance because MaxRange is 100.
      Chance: 80
      # The max range that the chance will go though.
      MaxRange: 100
      # The slot this item will be in the secondary gui.
      Slot: 20
      Name: '&aUncommon Tier'
        - '&aAn uncommon tier.'
      Item: 'CHEST'
      Chance: 55
      MaxRange: 100
      Slot: 22
      Name: '&4Rare Tier'
        - '&cA rare tier.'
      Item: 'ENDER_CHEST'
      Chance: 20
      MaxRange: 100
      Slot: 24
  • Color has been replaced by Item as you could have always used any item, so it was misleading to name it Color
  • If Item is not found, It will fall back to LIME_STAINED_GLASS_PANE.
  • You can choose between a pre-defined tier for each row or have it pick randomly between available tiers.
  • Note: We only have 3 rows, so you obviously can only have 1 tier per row. This is not likely to change for this Crate Type...


  • Cosmic Crate when initially picking crates, All the ??? crates will have a tier bound to them, so it actually matters when you pick them.
  • Updated slot checks for menu items to rely on PersistentDataContainer.
  • Re-organized the default /crate gui
  • Check uuids for quad crate sessions over player objects.
  • Update /cc additem to take input for tiers which only work for cosmic/casino, /cc additem <crate_name> <prize_number> [tier]
  • Update /cc additem again to take input for custom chance, Note: The max range by default is still 100 so keep it under 100. /cc additem <crate_name> <prize_number> <chance> [tier]
    • [tier] is an optional arg.
  • No longer create a snapshot of the holder when checking for inventoryholders
  • Add a config option to switch to a faster implementation of picking numbers. It defaults to false which is the old way of doing random.
  • All messages in chat, lore of preview items, gui names even filler items have PlaceholderAPI support.


  • Fixed issues with crates being broken in worlds created by world plugins.
  • Fixed a few other bugs I can't remember.
  • Fixed a bug where the refund event needed to be fired sync.
  • Fixed a bug with display damage where if you put a value that can't be parsed as an integer like 50f, It wouldn't just be empty durability.
  • Fixed a bug where cc additem wouldn't add tiers to casino/cosmic crate.
  • Fixed a bug where we stored the wrong value for PDC causing it to error when using QuadCrates.




f78f454 Picking the chests named ??? in cosmic crate actually plays a part now.
f6791b8 chore: Remove dead imports
8b4a4f7 Clean up placeholderapi support for all gui's, lores/names in gui's etc.
d89efd8 Less retarded message handling
3444d10 Color the lines when papi is enabled
cf73aa7 Actually parse placeholders
31cdac6 Add check for if papi is enabled
1f473dd now it should work.
c5d0932 chore: just a little cleanup
cd7a0da Send message when obtaining physical keys from admin menu
6475a4d Change the key checks for this command.
17cf044 if key type is freekey, don't require key
0ed7c6a Supply player to methods
c403823 Update build script
980e7b5 Update
436d0e4 I forgot one
daf40a6 A cheeky semicolon was forgotten
a2fbae8 Add papi to key view commands
6bd675b Don't need to send opening message, they already know they are.
b06f232 Update feature not ready message
91db61f Update arguments
938ce51 Fix suggestion name
735ca5e Add placeholderapi support to most messages
fcc7c9e Add placeholderapi support to all menus
42e9964 Update naming in list command
7ccb2e0 Comment out wand command
ac4cb47 Move config files back
0c299ba Add new method without menu crate type
e3464a5 fix another pdc thing
ba02fba Add config option to use different random
024bef3 use threadlocalrandom for particles or glass
4b1c1e2 Update changelog for beta test
409d6f7 Fix invalid pdc value
b39ce32 Update papi expansion
096b688 some code cleaning
ccbc0b1 Update file manager
868cd8c Update first install files to show how it should look.
24ea8d1 Update file manager to support creating sub folders
038fcd2 Check for proper holders
8ba823d Add setCancelled back
48ebbc3 Move plugin support enum
3b98dfb Merge pull request #635 from Crazy-Crew/gui_cleanup
d0d2da6 Update changelog
cb4dc64 Clean up deleted code
5025b2b Don't copy inventory contents when performing the holder check
c9b45ed Update listener code for crate menus
b36e311 Add null checks
a228fc5 Add untested placeholderapi support to prize lores/displaynames
01b4eb1 Remove blank space
ecd3e18 Update README
b693971 Update to new damagesource api
4de8fff Update build script
dcf00c8 Merge branch 'main' of
d297961 Update default file
98a6dcb Update
4369828 Update
c67fb90 Fix war crate? shit scuffed
c5b0ba6 Set display name for items
0346e21 Checking if crate type is null was redundant.
72c2fe7 Update default crate types
84ee180 Combine duplicate code into a method.
cf3d6fc How did it use itself?
f73ecf4 Fix editor items not working
3f0996a Update config migration
125d4ee Remove unused interfaces
42f1d64 a cheeky little refactor
930a98c Combine listener classes
aed86c6 No more wildcard imports
8c53a60 chore: clean up
7786704 Update subcommands
27762da Update permission handling
323e38e don't fetch item meta just to get the name of the key.
cf13f2f Remove unused method
2836c6d Remove unused interface
23dae4b Update default messages
b24be3c Allow setting custom chance using /cc additem
cdf743d Update changelog
837d4af Allow cc additem to take tier input for casino/cosmic crate
d337541 Use correct method for suggestions
4a38bc9 Merge pull request #631 from Crazy-Crew/sanity
77e3a51 Update changelog
550a084 Update comments
6ebe01f Fix the individual crate method.
437face Update casino crate again
1675d6b Use 0 instead of max durability
0b1e619 Fix trim registries
aebc8b0 Other misc clean up
7023669 casino crate now checks for tiers properly and gives rewards
b38330a Remove debug
9fb1989 Re-work prize object
f8e5905 Update reload crate method
095cca8 Update prize object
fc82b2e If the option not found, have it true by default.
edc458c Clean up some styling.
63b077f Update getPrize
c9ad516 Clean up code
d5524e1 fuck you
5e1986a Simplify prize check
030118e Remove unneeded method
386e261 update enum
61e0658 update prize code
4484bbb Update method order
a91050b Set prize number to the display item pdc
4a340ac Remove unused variable
c0da3f3 Update
303f5ab Merge pull request #629 from Crazy-Crew/types/new_crate_type
d8cc7a3 Merge branch 'types/new_crate_type' of into types/new_crate_type
dcd18cf Update changelog
2c7389c Register the listener for broke locations.
7b169b1 Add null checks
cf73cb1 Update
892496f Update changelog
a9ddefb Add null check for crate type
ce04786 Pick a separate tier for each prize
13b5ac1 Update name space checks
bc5e4e5 Add untested tier picks
81ad2ab Update changelog
2e956c8 Fix more bugs
a0debb8 Update changelog
08a0790 Open tier menu if viewing a tier's prizes
843e9d4 Update variables
9d8d2ad play sound when menu button is clicked
4ea1ff4 Add the prize gui stuff
9bf2639 Fix issue with out of bounds exception
66bee1c Start implementing the new menus
2a0005f Add crate tier menu
c5d744b Update tier code
b247c1d Add another listener
49a1ad7 Switch more checks to use PDC
f4f47d5 Update cosmic/casino example files
6008497 Add default value
452dadb Add slots
1e9aad4 Update comments
a9f2f50 Add rainbow glass back
01d1e67 Update default casino crate
73d0bf4 Update tiers code
b3e6538 add CasinoExample.yml
b8abe4f Update default crates
683f9ba clean up the code playing sounds
9b445fb refactor: BrokeLocation is not an enum
2f9c96d refactor: Update package names
4b9c289 Move utils to api module
c4b6b47 Rename back to csgocrate
a7d8beb Rename it to casino crate
242bfb8 Update default configs
52eed2f Switch between red/green glass instead of random glass
f791291 Fix out of bounds
f6e8293 Make the animation vertical instead of horizontal
480f97a chore: Bump dependencies
772e15b chore: Don't include fabric module
188ef91 Remove fix that doesn't belong there
d2c78b0 Bump version
83f41d7 Update changelog
f23331d Comment debug command
65c712d close the inventory
eff9219 Add the key checks and event check
4c512d5 Re-organize /crates gui for new examples
f07fd9b Add the ability to configure the sounds for crates
1c7e4f2 Add another example crate
7322285 refactor: Move csgo based crates into their own package
d1528e5 The animation and rewards are complete
2dc2641 Add getters for prizes/display items
8c36d93 Update sound method names
31000dc Switch timer task to bukkit runnable
20d6edd Reduce duplicate code
8541a88 Remove unneeded class
47769ee Add sound categories to the methods
9b7dcf8 chore: comment out some code
3c3bb21 Add roulette triple type
914fec9 Add temp debug command
ea59f4c Add sound methods
6d5627c Add a method to get picked prize
d592203 override timer task's cancel method
6f51d06 refactor: Update imports
d5bd6e0 Extend timer task in crate builder
74e7b30 refactor: update package name
f086650 Add new crate type
c111287 style: indentation
b578ead feature: Add display range
59eea4e chore: Bump api dependencies


  • Removed the wildcard*
  • Registered<cratename> to server permissions on startup.
    • Each crate will have one registered, If you remove a crate. The permission will not be removed from the server until server restart.
  • Updated cluster api version.


  • Fixed permission checks being weird.



  • Fixed an NPE on player quit.



  • We no longer download Adventure API on runtime using the libraries feature in the plugin.yml


  • End all crate tasks for a player if they leave, Remove all data related to the crate they opened if they leave


This build has a bug/exploit in it, Please update to the newest version. You can find this version in the Versions tab.


  • Added a toggle for the cosmic crate timeout feature. Settings.Cosmic-Crate-Timeout will be automatically added to your config.


  • Fixed a bug with the cosmic crate timeout feature that closed the prize gui after 10 seconds.



  • Fixed players not being removed from opening crates on quit thus crates getting stuck in a limbo of "Player is already opening crate."



  • Fix an NPE with item builder



  • Removed plugin-config.yml as it was just weird, Options in there will migrate to config.yml automatically.


  • Bumped to 1.20.4
  • Bumped nbt api
  • Nested placeholders now work
  • /crazycrates admin-help has been removed.
  • /crazycrates help now has a permission check if the player has crazycrates.admin-access
  • The permission has been changed to which defaults to TRUE
  • Console can now use /crazycrates help.

Full Changelog:



  • Glow now works again.



  • Fix csgo crate animation



  • Clean up timer tasks when we need to.
  • Close cosmic crate gui 10 seconds after prizes are given.
  • Added extra debug for Cosmic Crate when a task is complete.


  • Fix itembuilder so custom heads and custom items can cooperate together.


External resources

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Technical information

Project ID