v1.0 Release!!
Added the possibility to change the max players count per host.
maxPlayerCount: false # Enable / disable
type: "dynamic" # dynamic: changes max players in the server list to current players in host server +1 / static: changes the max players in server list to the number specified in "maxPlayers"
maxPlayers: 100 # Ignored if "type" is set to "dynamic"
This is a change of the config.yml file
You will need to rename, delete, or change config.yml
to the following if you are updating (no needed for new setups):
- host: "play.server1.com"
serverName: "server1"
- host: "play.server2.com"
serverName: "server2"
debug: false
Old config.yml
- virtualHost: "lobby.server1.com"
serverName: "lobby"
- virtualHost: "pvp.server2.com"
serverName: "pvp"
loggingEnabled: false