Update 0.1.400 || The Patterns Update
New Features: Patterns
Easily Create Pattern Materials so your brush can paint multiple materials at once! Patterns can either be Random or Checkered
Palettes Are a new way to define Colors to Materials, By setting a material and a color, whenever you chose THAT material it will change the particle color, brush (item) color, the placeholders color, and the glow color
Copy Mechanic
This New brush mechanic lets you copy the material by clicking the block and sets that so the brush paints with that material, think of it like an eye dropper tool!
Many New Placeholder
Glows can change colors via blocks material (if set in palette.yml)
Glows can have their default color change to whatever you want
Bug Fixes: Brushes can paint past your durability
Exclusions doesnt work properly
Changed Glow mechanic from using team colors to display the glow color into using a new way to display Any color
and others i forgot about <3