


Create, Delete, List and Teleport to homes.

Server Game MechanicsUtility

Createda month ago
Updateda month ago

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This is EasyHome, a plugin to create, delete and list homes and teleport to them.

New version every 2-7 days (hopefully)


/sethome [name] - command.sethome

Sets a new home with the specified name.

/delhome [name] - command.delhome

Deletes a home with the specified name.

/homes - command.homes

Lists all homes.

/home [name] - command.home

Teleports you to the specified home

/reloadhomes - easyhomes.reloadhomes

Reloads all home from file. WILL OVERRIDE HOMES SAVED IN MEMORY, i recommend executing /savehomes before doing this.

/savehomes - easyhomes.savehomes

Saves all homes from memory into the homes.yml file. (Is automatically done on server shutdown as well)

Showcase And if you wonder why i skip versions when releasing, it just shows how much debugging i've done (the last two numbers, for example 05 just tell how many times i have re-compiled the plugin to test if my new code worked or if that NullPointerException was still there)

OUTDATED (But still very accurate.)

New showcase of coming soon.

Features i have planned/working on

Sharing and Un-Sharing homes with other players on the server.

/home shows list/autocomplete of all available homes.

GUI to teleport/delete/edit homes

/edithome to change name of home (instead of /home ..., then /delhome ..., then /sethome ...)

If you've got a few ideas, let me know on my Discord: trcloop. DMs are open or join my very inactive server: https://dsc.gg/trcloopnummity (Server getting a rework soon).


There are no dependecies.

Install it by just dropping the .jar into your plugins folder and restarting your server. Do not stop before dropping the .jar file in the plugins folder.

Tested Enviroments

  • Paper 1.20.4
  • Spigot 1.20.4

Should also work with 1.20, 1.20.1, 1.20.2 and 1.20.3.

Additional Info

A Home is only available for the player who has set it (And people who can access server files)

What are homes?

Homes are "Waypoints", you set them in your world and you can teleport to them.


You can find a folder called EasyHome in your plugins folder. In there should be a config.yml and homes.yml.


You can edit the config.yml: There are a few options to save storage and save performance as well as some Quality of Life options. As of V1.2.2.xx There are three options. Every single one is documented in the config.yml file.


Homes are saved in the homes.yml. The players are represented by their uuid. Then there are their homes. Every home has got a X, Y, Z, Yaw and Pitch attribute. XYZ are the coordinates of the home. And are required. Yaw and Pitch is the rotation of the player. It is not required and can be disabled in the config to save storage (If disabled, it will represent a 0.0.



I recommend backuping the homes.yml file every now and then. If the homes.yml file is lost, all the homes are lost as well.

Reset all Homes

If you want to reset all homes (delting all homes) then just delte the homes.yml file and immediatly restart your server.


Icon for mod generated by AI.

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