Basic Economic Plugins
Require Vault
This plugin was made over the course of a couple hours and is highly customisable. For any features you want added message mini_assailent on discord.
Lang.yml File
currency-singular: "Sheep"
currency-plural: "Sheeps"
starting-money: 1500
error-color: "<#EB7272>"
success-color: "<#A6F8C6>"
sender-not-a-player: "Only players can use this command!"
target-hasnt-played-before: "The player %parse% has never played on this server before!"
balance: "%parse%'s balance: %currency%"
non-valid-number: "The amount must be a valid decimal number. Got: '%parse%'."
took-money: "Took %currency% from %parse%'s account."
gave-money: "Gave %currency% to %parse%'s account."
not-enough-money: "You don't have enough money to pay %parse%"
paid-player: "You paid %parse% %currency%"
recieved-money: "You were paid %currency% from %parse%"
no-permission: "You don't have permission for this command!"
Config.yml File
prefix: "<gray>[<gold>Economic Additions<gray>] "
currency: "sheep"
Permissions: Check you're own balance (/bal) - EconomicAdditions.balance Check others balance (/bal <player> - EconomicAdditions.balance.others
Pay Someone (/pay <player> <amount>)
Admin Commands for the plugin /economy <bal | give | take> <player> [<amount>] - EconomicAdditions.economyadmin