Minecraft: Java Edition
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It requires SCore to work : SCore
What is ExecutableItems ?
Our powerful plugin allows you to fully customize every aspect of your items, and adding unique activators on your items ! With ExecutableItems, the possibilities are truly endless. Dive into a realm where MMO/RPG ambiance meets boundless possibilities. With ExecutableItems, you hold the reins - craft and control your custom items precisely the way you envision.
Over 120 items are included by default - and the creation process is extremely easy to understand. Particularly in our experienced in-game editor. (start to create with /ei editor)
Customize every settings of your items
ExecutableItems is a plugin that offers the best customization, the amount of settings you can edit is very wide. And we work hard to keep the plugin optimized for large servers. It's a work that started 3 years ago so we have a large background of feedback, and we added a lot of custom cool item settings during this time. (wiki)
Basic settings
- Dynamic Name
- Dynamic Lore
- Enchants
- Attributes
- Potion effects
- Glow
- Glow Drop with colors (Premium only)
- Title Drop
- Custom textures (Premium only)
- NBT tags (Premium only)
- Armor trims
- Armor leather color
- Keep item on death (soulbound)
- Durability
- Unbreakable
- Custom Usage
- Custom Usage per day
- Custom Variables
- Automatic item update
- Give item first join
- Lock in inventory
- Disable Stack
- Disable drop
- Owner only usage
- Hiders:
- Hide potion effects
- Hide attributes
- Hide enchantments
- Hide dye
- Hide banner tags
- Restrictions:
- Cancel item drop
- Cancel item placement
- Cancel tool interactions
- Cancel consuption
- Cancel craft
- Cancel deposition in chest / furnace / stone cutter / grindstone / item frame / smithing table / brewinfg / beacon / cartography / composter / dispenser / dropper / hopper / lectern / loom
- Cancel enchant / anvil
- Cancel merchant
- Cancel horse
- Cancel item burn
- Cancel item delete by cactus
- Cancel item delete by lightning
Automatic Item Updates
If you want to nerf an item that is becoming overpowered, or just edit the design, you can use the auto-updater. Like that everyone play the same game !
Very easy to use & fully documented
We have optimized the processes to make the configuration very simple but with the ability to do complex things. And you will be able to find a large documentation in our wiki ! You'll be amazed compared to other plugins!
Realms, The next-generation of game hosting, where cutting-edge technology meets unparalleled performance. Dive into a realm where latency is a myth, up-time is the gold standard, and seamless integration is a given.
More than 20 Triggers / Activators (100+ in the Premium)
Unleash your creativity with the activators of ExecutableItems. With this unique feature of EI you will be able to execute everything in almost every situation ! In addition we continuously add optimized new activators to serve your needs. With these activators you can render your items dynamic and add all abilities you want ! (wiki)
Triggers / Activators
Only BOLD are in the Free version
- PLAYER_ENABLE_FLY : Activates when the player starts and stops flying.
- PLAYER_ENABLE_SNEAK : Activates when the player starts sneaking.
- PLAYER_ENABLE_SPRINT : Activates when the player starts sprinting.
- PLAYER_ALL_CLICK : Activates when the player left-clicks or right-clicks the item.
- PLAYER_BED_ENTER : Activates when the player right-clicks a bed.
- PLAYER_BED_LEAVE : Activates when the player leaves the bed.
- PLAYER_BEFORE_DEATH : Saves the player from certain death and activates.
- PLAYER_BLOCK_BREAK : Activates when the player mines/breaks a block.
- PLAYER_BLOCK_PLACE : Activates when the player places a block.
- PLAYER_CHANGE_WORLD : Activates when the player moves to a different world.
- PLAYER_CLICK_ON_ENTITY : Activates when the player click on an entity.
- PLAYER_CLICK_ON_PLAYER : Activates when the player click on a player.
- PLAYER_CONNECTION : Activates when the player log into the server. (Does not activate when you log out)
- PLAYER_CONSUME : Activates when the player successfully eat/consume the item.
- PLAYER_CUSTOM_LAUNCH : Activates when the player launch a projectile with the commands: LAUNCH, LOCATEDLAUNCH and LAUNCHENTITY.
- PLAYER_DEATH : Activates when the player dies.
- PLAYER_DISCONNECTION : Activates when the player logs out from the server.
- PLAYER_DESACTIVE_SNEAK : Activates when the player stops from sneaking.
- PLAYER_DESACTIVE_SPRINT : Activates when the player stops from sprinting
- PLAYER_DESELECT_THE_EI : Activates if you deselect the EI item in the hotbar.
- PLAYER_DISMOUNT : Activates when the player steps out from riding an entity.
- PLAYER_DROP_ITEM : Activates when the player drops an item.
- PLAYER_DROP_THE_EI : Activates when the player drops the EI item.
- PLAYER_EDIT_BOOK : Activates when the player made changes to the book and quill and pressed done or sign the book.
- PLAYER_EI_BREAK : Activates when the player breaks the ExecutableItem.
- PLAYER_EQUIP_THE_EI : Activates if you put the armorpiece in the armor slot.
- PLAYER_ENTER_IN_HIS_PLOT : Activates if you enter a plot from the PlotSquared plugin.
- PLAYER_ENTER_IN_HIS_LAND : Activates if you enter in your land or a land where you are trusted
- EI_ENTER_IN_THE_PLAYER_INVENTORY : Activates when the item enters to the player's inventory.
- PLAYER_FERTILIZE_BLOCK : Activates if the player fertilizes blocks with bone meal.
- PLAYER_FILL_BUCKET : Activates when the player attempts to pickup water or lava with a bucket.
- PLAYER_FISH_BLOCK : Activates when the player right-click the fishing rod when the fishing rod bobber is on a block.
- PLAYER_FISH_ENTITY : Activates when the player right-click the fishing rod when the fishing rod bobber catches an entity.
- PLAYER_FISH_FISH : Activates when the player right-click the fishing rod when the fishing rod bobber catches something.
- PLAYER_FISH_NOTHING : Activates when the player fishes nothing.
- PLAYER_FISH_PLAYER : Activates when the player right-click the fishing rod when the fishing rod bobber catches a player.
- PLAYER_HIT_PLAYER : Activates when the player hits a player
- PLAYER_HIT_ENTITY : Activates when the player hits an entity
- PLAYER_ITEM_BREAK : Activates when the player breaks the item by making it loose all its durability.
- PLAYER_JUMP : Activates when the player jumps.
- PLAYER_KILL_ENTITY : Activates when the player kills an entity.
- PLAYER_KILL_PLAYER : Activates when the player kills a player.
- PLAYER_LAUNCH_PROJECTILE: Activates when the player shoots a projectile.
- PLAYER_LEAVE_HIS_PLOT : Activates if you leave a plot from the PlotSquared plugin.
- PLAYER_LEAVE_HIS_LAND : Activates if you leave your land or a land where you are trusted
- EI_LEAVE_THE_PLAYER_INVENTORY : Activates when the item leaves the player's inventory. ( Require ProtocolLib to make this activator works properly )
- PLAYER_LEFT_CLICK : Activates when the player left-clicks the item.
- PLAYER_PICKUP_THE_EI : Activates when the player pick ups the ExecutableItem.
- **PLAYER_PORTAL: Activates when the player uses a portal
- PLAYER_REGAIN_HEALTH: Activates when the player regains health
- PLAYER_RIPTIDE: Activates when the player riptides
- PLAYER_SPAWN_CHANGE: Activates when the player changes their spawn**
- PLAYER_WALK : Activates when the player walks.
- PLAYER_WRITE_COMMAND : Activates when the player enters commands.
- PLAYER_RECEIVE_HIT_BY_ENTITY : Activates when you get hit by anything from an entity.
- PLAYER_RECEIVE_HIT_BY_PLAYER : Activates when you get hit by anything from a player.
- PLAYER_RECEIVE_HIT_GLOBAL : Activates when you get hit by anything.
- PLAYER_RESPAWN : Activates when the player re-spawns.
- PLAYER_RIGHT_CLICK : Activates when the player right-clicks the item.
- PLAYER_SHEAR_ENTITY : Activates when the player shears an entity.
- PLAYER_SELECT_THE_EI : Activates when the player selects the EI item in the hotbar.
- PLAYER_TARGETED_BY_AN_ENTITY : Activates when an entity targets the player.
- PLAYER_TRAMPLE_CROP : Activates when the player tramples a crop.
- PLAYER_UNEQUIP_THE_EI : Activates if you unequip the EI.
- PROJECTILE_ENTER_LIQUID : Activates if the launched projectile enters and stays long enough in water
- PROJECTILE_HIT_BLOCK : Activates when the projectile of the player hits a block.
- PROJECTILE_HIT_ENTITY : Activates when the projectile of the player hits an entity.
- PROJECTILE_HIT_PLAYER : Activates when the projectile of the player hits a player.
- INVENTORY_CLICK : Activates when the player clicks the item in its inventory.
- LOOP : Activates in repeat as long as the item is in the player's inventor
- ... Continuously in development
Custom requirements
With the plugin you can add all requirements you want to for your activators, some are already implemented to make your life simple ! (Money, Mana, Experience, Items) But you can easily add your custom requirements since it supports the placeholders from the other plugins ! (wiki)
Custom conditions and custom commands
There is no part we forget ! In these activators you will be able to check and run everything. We worked hard on a custom library SCore that offers more than 100 custom conditions and more than 100 custom commands. (wiki)
You can add cooldwns on your items & activators, but not a simple cooldown ! A cooldown with many features : custom time in sec or ticks, custom cooldown message, pause cooldown when the player disconnect, pause coolodwn depending on the placeholders of the player, you can also add global cooldown for all players.
Possibilities and Examples
Unleash your creativity with ExecutableItems ! While the possibilities for custom items are infinite, we've created a list of items to demonstrate the powerful potential of this plugin. We also recreated many items of the most popular MMO games and servers. Here are some examples (non-exhaustive list, join the discord with your ideas and we will help you to create it !) (wiki) :
It includes Premium examples so all of them are not fully compatible with the free version
Trench Tools that respects protected regions
Veinminer Pickaxes
Gun Items with Cooldown
Sponge for Water and Lava
Grappling Hooks
Explosive Bows
Infinite Blocks
Infinite Water & Lava
Morph Tools
AoE Damage / Effect Sword
Rainbow Helmet
Particle Cosmetics
Automatic Primed TNT
Item Converter
Custom Totem of Undying
Armorsets from 1pc to 4pc bonus
Bow Modifiers that does cool stuff when it lands on a target
Recall Item that teleports you back to where you died
Click combos where you have to press Left+Left+Right for example to activate the activator
Auto Crafter / Auto Compactor
Whitelisting / Blacklisting blocks that your custom pickaxe can break
Crossbows that does not need to be reloaded to shoot
Items that requires fuel
Projectile Rain
Armor that can help you dodge enemy hits
Items that needs to be charged to activate it's attack skill
Items that shoots arrows that pushes back players and mobs away from that spot
Elytra with particles while flying
Block Placement tool that helps builders place more than one block at a time
Custom conditions whether particles would appear when you have yet to hit something for a period of time
Items that allows you to deal plunge damage, dash through enemies and deal damage
Items that have 5 abilities at once
Mid-Air Jump, Double Jump, Triple Jump and more
Portable Beacon that you can change primary buffs and use secondary buffs
Assign a Sign to display your coordinates in real time
Pull target mobs towards you
Items that allows you to teleport forward or backward
Items that helps you replant the crops you broke
Items that increases damage depending on how many
times you damaged your target
times you got damaged
enemies in a given radius
Items that when thrown into the ground, all nearby players loose all of their effects
Bone Meal that instantly grows crops
Items that detects player movement
Items that automatically smelts the block they break and specify which ones are going to be smelt
Items that damages attackers or give effects to attackers
Items that damages targets overtime
Items that when thrown, it will break an area of blocks and you can specify which blocks gets destroyed
Items that pulls nearby mobs in a spot and pushes them away in a direction
Items that allows you to leap and deal area damage upon landing
Items that allows you to dash through targets
Items that allows you to have 2 attack forms and toggle the 1st and 2nd attack form
Items that allows you to stop projectile movements while sneaking
Items that allows you to toss your enemies upwards and damage them midair by dashing forwards or backwards
Items that allows you to save coordinates into an item and strike lightning in that location
Items that can transform areas from one block to another
Items that shoot projectiles that can do area damage explosion and an after effect
Boots that spawns rainbow particles on your feet
Custom fishing rods with specific bonus loot
Wands that spawn bats on nearby targets and right click to harvest specific bats for hp
Integration of other plugins such as MMOItems and have those custom items plugins run ExecutableItems activators
Projectiles that pushes away mobs or pulls mobs towards to the location the projectile landed at
Guns with customized recoils
Projectiles that can shoot more than one type of bullet and assign specific effects for each bullet type
Items that allows you to maneuver through solid blocks
Items that allows you to temporarily transform one area into a specific block and revert back to its original state after some time
Tools that counts how many blocks you broke
Swords that counts how many entities you killed (global or specifically)
Weapons that increases damage for every 5 kills
Boots that prevent you from taking specific damage like "No-Fall Damage Boots"
Items with different behaviors based on your biome
Weapons that summons tridents from above and flies to your direction and explodes when it lands onto something
Shields that allows you to take no damage while being able to do no damage
Potions that when thrown, can clear effects of affected targets in an area
Weapons that deals more damage depending on your distance towards your target
- Many Plugins suported
- Head plugins : HeadDB, Head Database
- Claim & Protections plugins : WorldGuard, Lands, IridiumSkyblock, SuperiorSkyblock2, GriefPrevention, GriefDefender, Residence, PlotSquared, Towny, Terra, ...
- Mana Plugins: Aurelium Skills, EcoSkills, MMOCore
- Items Plugins: Oraxen, ItemsAdder, ..
- Enchants plugins All should be compatible but here are small list: AdvancedEchanments, Enchants Squared, ExcellentEnchants, Eco Enchants ..
- Custom Drop plugins: MythicMobs, LevelledMobs, RoseLoots, Wildstacker, ..
- Shop Plugins: ShopGui+, ShopKeepers, Tradesplus ...
- Custom craft plugins : ExecutableCrafting in dev .. and the other also