


Explosion protection and customization of different types of explosion effects

Server Game MechanicsManagementUtility

1 follower
Created8 days ago
Updated8 days ago

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FKBoom Plugin Overview




Main Features:

  • Standard Protection: Uses the game's default explosion protection effects to prevent damage caused by TNT, respawn anchors, beds, etc.
  • Dynamic Explosions: Explosion effects dynamically change based on the environment and configuration, enhancing gameplay.
  • Disable Explosion Protection: Allows all explosion effects to occur without any protection.
  • Interaction Management: Allows beds to be used in the Nether and End, enhancing game interaction.
  • GUI Settings Interface: Provides an intuitive graphical interface that allows players with the necessary permissions to easily adjust settings.
  • Commands and Permissions: Simplified commands (e.g., /fk xxx) for easy management.
  • Multi-World Support: Customize explosion and interaction rules for each world.
  • Config Reload: Instantly update server settings without a restart.
  • Silent Explosion Mode: Enables silent explosions, reducing disturbances.
  • Fireworks Explosion Mode: New fireworks explosion effects add more visual flair to your game.
  • Explosion Damage: Option to enable or disable explosion damage to all entities.


  • Minecraft Versions: 1.20.1 to 1.21
  • Java Versions: Java 17 to Java 22
  • Server Core Support: Spigot, Paper, Folia, Purpur, PufferFish, Leaves, Mohist, Arclight

Protection Measures:

  • Comprehensive Protection: Protects paintings, armor stands, item frames, boats, minecarts, leashes, glowing item frames, etc., from explosion damage.

FKBoom plugin provides comprehensive explosion management and control for Minecraft servers while ensuring gameplay interaction and diversity. Whether you want to fully control explosion effects or maintain different game rules across multiple worlds, FKBoom can meet your needs.

Permissions Introduction
  1. Permission Node: fkboom.reload

    • Description: This permission allows users to reload the plugin's configuration file, enabling the application of new settings without restarting the server.
    • Default: This permission is granted by default only to server operators (op), ensuring that only trusted administrators can perform this action.
  2. Permission Node: fkboom.gui

    • Description: This permission allows users to open a graphical user interface (GUI) to intuitively modify the plugin's explosion protection settings.
    • Default: Similarly, this permission is granted by default only to server operators (op), allowing them to conveniently manage plugin settings.
  3. Permission Node: fkboom.globalsetting

    • Description: This permission allows users to modify explosion protection settings for all worlds on the server, making it a powerful permission.
    • Default: This permission is also granted by default only to server operators (op), as it involves changes to global settings.
  4. Permission Node: fkboom.command

    • Description: This permission node controls the user's ability to use the plugin's commands.
    • Default: This permission is granted by default only to server operators (op).
GUI Interface

Explosion Settings Interface

World Settings Interface

Custom Configuration World in config.yml By default, all worlds have the same settings as the world.


Explosion Effect Display

Dynamic Explosion Effect
Dynamic Explosion Effect

Fireworks Explosion Effect
Fireworks Explosion Effect



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Technical information

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