(I'm working for a premium version of this)
- Fixed some errors in the console.
- Using Proxy logger instead of the plugin logger in bungeecord.
- Added GetIPIntel API.
- Added IP2Location API.
- Added VPNBlocker API.
You found a error? Join to the Discord https://discord.gg/FTtVXfj here.
Reset you config.yml to get new the new changes (or copy from SpigotMC Updates page the configuration for the new's APIs)!
- Added bypass feature to deny detection if the player is verified and don't is a VPN/proxy for a certain time. (Customizable)
# Available:
type: "sqlite"
file: "FoxGate.db"
host: "localhost"
port: 3306
database: "foxav_db"
username: "root"
password: "password123"
# Highly recommended to keep this true for secure connections.
# Ensure your MySQL server supports SSL.
# By default is false, because a lot of MySQL servers don't supports
# SSL.
SSL: false
# The maximum number of connections in the connection pool.
# Recommended: 4
maximumpoolsize: 4
# The maximum time in seconds to wait for a connection from the pool,
# is recommended a value from higher than 1 and less than 5.
# Recommended: 3.0
connectiontimeout: 3.0
# When an IP isn't detected a vpn or proxy, this need to save in
# cache to don't make more requests for a little time for save
# performance and requests, customizable here.
# Enable this feature?
enable: true
# Determine the amount in hours to save the IP in cache and avoid
# make more requests to this IP. Useful to save performance and
# verify only one time for certain time.
# Recommended: 2
expiration_time: 2
# When an IP is detected in a result, this is save in the cache
# to don't make more request for a little time, this value is
# saved in hours.
# Recommended: 36
expiration_time: 36
- Renamed blacklist to whitelist in the configuration (request by kokoro_koklo).
- Fixed typo in the kick message by default (thanks to kokoro_koklo).
- Updated endpoint and fields of VPNAPI.
- [EXPERIMENTAL] Added multi-thread option for better performance.
- Added better support for BungeeCord. (Tested with NullCordX 3.8.7, Waterfall Fork)
- Added BanProxy and IPQualityScore services to detect VPN and bots.
- Added disconnection when finish requests to save performance.
- Added new options for MySQL connection database:
# Available:
type: "sqlite"
file: "FoxGate.db"
host: "localhost"
port: 3306
database: "foxav_db"
username: "root"
password: "password123"
# Highly recommended to keep this true for secure connections.
# Ensure your MySQL server supports SSL.
# By default is false, because a lot of MySQL servers do't supports
# SSL.
SSL: false
# The maximum number of connections in the connection pool.
# Recommended: 4
maximumpoolsize: 4
# The maximum time in seconds to wait for a connection from the pool,
# is recommended a value from higher than 1 and less than 5.
# Recommended: 3.0
connectiontimeout: 3.0
# When an IP is detected in a result, this is save in the cache
# to don't make more request for a little time, this value is
# saved in hours.
# Recommended: 36
expiration_time: 36
- Added option to check updates, can be disabled in config.yml.
- Added option to blacklist ip's from detection, request of @arrafii14 in discord server.
# Blacklist the detection to this name's.
# It's case sensetive!
- 'ImFoxerARG' # It's me! :3
# Blacklist the detection to this IP's.
- '' # It's default in localhost!
You found a error? Join to the Discord server clicking here. Reset you config.yml to get new the new changes and avoid errors!