Hello, I added customization for the discord webhook. Here is what the config.yml looks like:
use-discord: false
webhook-url: "YOUR_WEBHOOK_URL_HERE"
discord-join-message: "Player {Player} joined us today from {Country}"
discord-join-message-color: "#00FF00" # Hex color code for GREEN
discord-first-join-message: "The new Player {Player} joined us today from {Country}"
discord-first-join-message-color: "#FFFF00" # Hex color code for YELLOW
You can also do /geoloc webhook <webhook_url> to change the webhook. I also improved minor bugs. Kind Regards, Alex!
Hello, this is a major update. I have added a discord extension so, that you get a join and first join message in your discord channel via a discord webhook. The message includes the name, country and an image of the country flag. Also, almost all methods now run asynchronously, meaning that the plugin won't strain the main thread so much. Kind Regards, Alex!
Added bStats
Hello, I have added bStats, to help me track data. bStats helps me to get a bit more info and to improve my development skills. The tracked data is totally anonymous. So please keep it enabled (you can disable it in the bStats folder of your /plugins directory). More info at: https://bstats.org Kind Regards, Alex!