Minecraft: Java Edition
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Published last year
Updated 4 months ago
Feature | IDWMDN | Mojang |
DispenserColorApplier | 17.12.2023 | |
VillagerOnALeash | 18.12.2023 | |
FlowerColorApplier | 18.12.2023 | |
BrainInAJar | 01.01.2024 | |
EveryBlockDealsFallDamage | 22.10.2024 |
Dispensers can apply color to Sheep.
- If true, dispensers will never dispense dyeignoreBabySheep
- If false, baby sheep can be dyedignoreSameColoredSheep
- If false, sheep with the same color can be dyedignoreNamedSheep
- If false, named sheep can be dyedignoreColoredSheep
- If false, colored sheep can be dyed
Villagers can be leashed
- If false, jobless villagers can be leashedignoreBabyVillager
- If false, baby villagers can be leashedignoreAdventureMode
- If false, villagers can be leashed in adventure modeignoreNamedVillager
- If false, named villagers can be leashedignoreWorkingVillager
- If false, working villagers can be leashed
Sheeps can eat flowers and get the color of the flower
- If false, baby sheep can eat flowersignoreColoredSheep
- If false, colored sheep can eat flowersignoreNamedSheep
- If false, named sheep can eat flowers
A Experience Storage for your XP. It´ll collect XP orbs in a adjustable block radius and store them in the Brain. You can get the XP back by Left-Clicking the Brain. By Shift-Righ-Clicking you can pick up the Brain. The Crafting Recipe is fully adjustable in the Config.
/braininajar give
- Gives you a Brain in a Jaridwmdn.braininajar
- Permission to use the command
/braininajar summon
- Summons a Brain in a Jar at your locationidwmdn.braininajar
- Permission to use the command
- If false, the crafting recipe will be disabledrecipe
- The crafting recipe for the Brain in a Jarshape
- The shape of the recipeingredients
- The ingredients of the reciperesult
- The result of the recipe
- The sounds of the Brain in a Jarpickup
- The sound when you pick up the Brain in a Jarplace
- The sound when you place the Brain in a Jarabsorb
- The sound when the Brain in a Jar absorbs XPtractorBeam
- The sound when the Brain in a Jar pulls XPstart
- The sound when the Brain in a Jar starts pulling XPstop
- The sound when the Brain in a Jar stops pulling XP
- The limits of the Brain in a Jarstorage
- The maximum amount of XP the Brain in a Jar can storetractorBeamRange
- The maximum range of the Brain in a Jar
- The Skull of the Brain in a Jaractivate
- The Skull when the Brain in a Jar is activetexture
- The texture of the Skulluuid
- The uuid of the Skull
- The Skull when the Brain in a Jar is inactivetexture
- The texture of the Skulluuid
- The uuid of the Skull
- The Skull when the Brain in a Jar is fulltexture
- The texture of the Skulluuid
- The uuid of the Skull
All falling blocks deal damage based on block hardness or a fixed value.
- Determines how damage is calculated. Options:FIXED
- The fixed amount of damage per block ifdamagePerBlockType
is set toFIXED
- The maximum damage a falling block can deal. If set to-1
, the damage is unlimited
- Falling blocks will deal damage to entities they land on.
- Damage can be based on the block's hardness or a fixed value, configurable through the settings.
- Entities hurt by falling blocks will suffer damage based on the settings in the config.
Coming soon:
- Zombie villagers can be leashed
Maybe in the future:
- Dispensers can apply color to leather armor on armor stands and players
- Dispensers can apply color to Wolf collars
- Bee Remake :)
- Special Bee Hives (Biom specific, Rare, ...)
- Bees can drop flowerseeds on the way back to the hive
- Bees attack you if you destroy a flower near them
- Cats will kick you out of the bed if you sleep in their bed
If you have any requests, please let me know on Discord.
This plugin uses bStats to collect some (non-identifying) data about the servers it runs on.
You can opt-out by editing the config.yml
in the /plugins/bStats
folder located in your server directory.
(More information here)