- Added direct support to folia.
- Added a server type check that is displayed on startup (Paper, Purpur, Spigot or Folia).
- Added a new option in the config ("item-change-delay" since this is different on each server type).
- Fixed paper details not being correctly loaded.
- Fixed a MAJOR issue of certain material types affecting others.
- Fixed duplicating buckets on version 1.21 and above.
- Fixed buckets from furnaces launching randomly.
- Improved overall code readability/functionality.
- Added support for version 1.21.3.
- Fixed incorrect version values for paper.
- Fixed stacked rabbit stew, suspicious stew and beetroot soup.
- Fixed stacked buckets of axolotl, cod, pufferfish, tropical fish and salmon.
- Fixed stacked milk buckets not giving the empty bucket.
- Fixed stacked powdered snow buckets not working correctly.
- Fixed when smelting stacked lava buckets (now drops a bucket).
- Fixed water and lava bucket logic not working correctly.
- Fixed water logging blocks not being applied.
- Fixed a duplication glitch when putting music discs inside jukebox.
- Many improvements to the code.
- Added hopper transfer support for paper versions 1.20.4+.
- Added a check to make sure it is the brewing stand inventory being clicked.
- Fixed an issue with a limited amount of hopper transfer items breaking brewing stands.
- Fixed a duplication glitch that could occur when spamming potions in a brewing stand.
- Added a check for hoppers moving potions into brewing stands so these now do not stack on lower versions.
- Added "one-potion-per-slot" option in config for versions lower than 1.18 for potion brewing.
- Added a lot more checks for inventory update method to be called on lower versions (more efficient).
- Fixed the "default-stack-type" typo in the config (old value will still work).
- Fixed lower versions having "SPLASH_POTION" in the default config.
- Fixed some event priority values.
- Fixed stacking ALL items in inventory on lower versions.
- Temporarily prevented villager trading with items that have modified stack sizes as this was glitched.
- Updated the front page with a list of known issues.
- Changed to plugin to BETA version as still need to spend time fixing a few different issues.
- Fixed the issue with booting up on versions lower than 1.18.
- Fixed the issue with mushroom stew on versions lower than 1.18.
- Fixed the issue with item names in versions lower than 1.18.
- Fixed the issue using the /stacks reload command on version 1.18.
- Fixed the issue with stacking items not updating instantly on lower versions (Added config value "update-inventory-on-merge").
- Fixed an issue with /give and using "minecraft:" in the front.
- Fixed an issue with /give launching errors.
- Fixed an issue with stacking items being greater than the max stack (will now separate them).
- Fixed stacking items in an anvil, you could stack unlimited items and make them all have same enchants, etc.
- Added an option in the config to "disallow-stacked-anvil-items".