Bug Fixes
⚠️ Warning ⚠️
This is an unstable build. Use with caution in a production server. [Learn more]
- Updated CombatPets plugin support to v2.3.2.
/k admin nexus tp/place
were now split to their own sub-commands.- Added
/k admin nexus level
- Added a default allowed speed range option for
/k fly
- Fixed a turret error.
- Fixed an internal issue with kingdoms custom permission/relationship attribute registries.
- Fixed item flags for v1.20.6 servers.
- Glory misc-upgrade will no longer go into cooldown if the killed entity was excluded. Also fixed the issue of running multiple XP entries if matched.
- Fixed inactivity kick message context showing the viewer player instead of the kicked player.
- Fixed an error caused by
/k admin rp/bank
when used without parameters. - Fixed levels in misc upgrades GUI being shown as negative numbers when the upgrade is disabled.
- Fixed backup-properties.yml not showing the correct "elements"
- Attempted a fix for delayed restarts caused by holograms. (Warning errors when shutting down the server)
- Fixed some rare issues related to resuming building constructions after restarts.
- Fixed some issues related to numbers matchers.
- Fixed errors caused by unclaiming a land with turrets placed in them.
- Fixed an error caused by opening a turret in unclaimed lands.
- Fixed an issue where plugin didn't properly load non-flatfile SQL databases when other plugins used the same database type (This mostly happens when you use PostgreSQL for both KingdomsX and Dynmap)
- Fixed an issue with building previews not showing up correctly.
- Fixed an error when backing up H2 database while the data folder is filled with other flatfile databases.
- [Map Viewers] Fixed the "disabled" options for individual icons.
- Reduced batch chunk-loading wait frequency from 30 seconds to 15 seconds.
- Disabled
in invasions.yml by default due to many new users not wanting it. - Change misc upgrade's GUI config to use the new function syntax for YAML aliases that allows cleaner and easier configs.
- All items in the plugin now follow a consistent parsing system which supports custom NBT tags.
- Admin mode can now bypass misc/champion upgrade configured conditions (like kingdom levels.)
- The
placeholder modifier will now automatically applyfancy
modifier. - Bedrock forms are disabled by default unless debugging is enabled.
- Admin mode can now bypass pacifism cooldown inside the nexus.
Bug Fixes & Performance Improvements
⚠️ Warning ⚠️
This is an unstable build. Use with caution in a production server. [Learn more]
- Disabling
misc-upgrade will now make/k fly
to not require upgrading in order to work. - Improved turret debugging.
- The default placeholder values in config.yml now uses a more intuitive format. (You don't need to update them, the previous format still works.)
- Added tab-completion for
/k admin track
- Fixed WITHDRAW kingdom rank permission description that didn't specify
/k bank
. - Fixed an issue where some turrets stopped working due to an inferno turret being placed in the land.
- Fixed inferno turrets error. The visuals are not perfect and still a work-in-progress.
- Fixed the global turret/structure limit options.
- Fixed an incompatibility issue for client translatable messages with servers below v1.20
- Fixed an error caused by using standard placeholder modifiers for kingdoms placeholders when the value didn't exist.
- Fixed default values for standard kingdoms placeholders.
- Fixed a few minor memory leaks in rare cases.
- Fixed kingdom members being able to destroy double-chested protected blocks.
- Fixed kingdom members being able to make a single-chest protected block to double-chest.
- Fixed an error with
/k fly
when using it in an unclaimed land with corrupted data. - Fixed a few placeholder issues for
/k show
and/k nation show
by default. - Fixed duplicated debug prefix.
- Fixed an error during startup in very old server versions.
- Fixed item stacking issues when using the Resource Points Converter.
- Fixed an error caused by having more than one break-time set for MassWar.
- Fixed
/k fly
speed permissions. Also changed the permission fromkingdoms.command.fly...
- Fixed MassWar's break-time end title message by default.
- Finally fixed kingdom's nexus chest.
- Significant performance improvement for turrets.
- Outpost items that can also be converted using the Resource Points Converter now have the same initial price.
- [API] Fixed an access issue with FunctionalPlaceholders when defined using enums.
- [Map Viewers] Fixed
/k create
not being instantly update on the map. - [Map Viewers] Fixed
placeholder color.
Bug Fixes
⚠️ Warning ⚠️
This is an unstable build. Use with caution in a production server. [Learn more]
Beta Phase
The plugin has moved from Alpha ➡️ Beta phase. What does this mean for you? It means that the plugin will no longer receive updates that may break the data structure, meaning that you can use the plugin without fearing data/config resets for future updates. However, beware that data corruptions caused by converting your v1.16 data to v1.17 can still happen, and you should take a backup before upgrading.
From here on out, you the people determine when the plugin moves from Beta ➡️ Release as more servers need to start using the plugin in order to catch bugs in production environments.
- For people using any of the previous alpha versions, you need to reset your data for this update.
- For people upgrading from any version, you should reset all your configs for this update.
- Added support for Geyser's Floodgate dot-prefixed names.
- Added a template GUI for turret GUIs for easier configuration.
- Fixed
/k fly
speed issues. - Fixed
/k claim fill
error. - Fixed an issue with MythicMob intregation.
- Fixed an error caused by purchasing turrets/structures.
- Allies can no longer break your nexus or change your nexus settings (like ranks or upgrades)
- Fixed negative numbers for some inputs.
- Fixed
/k admin debug
commands. - Fixed an issue with
v1.16 -> v1.17
data migration. - Fixed a few issues with
/k admin relationship
command. - Buildings now use the standard options used for determining their construction duration. (they used a fixed value before)
- You can now purchase structures/turrets regardless of your kingdom level in admin mode.
- Fixed server crashes caused by placing structures.
Bug Fixes
⚠ Warning ⚠
This is an unstable build. Use with caution in a production server. [Learn more]
Beta Phase
The plugin has moved from Alpha → Beta phase. What does this mean for you? It means that the plugin will no longer receive updates that may break the data structure, meaning that you can use the plugin without fearing data/config resets for future updates. However, beware that data corruptions caused by converting your v1.16 data to v1.17 can still happen, and you should take a backup before upgrading.
From here on out, you the people determine when the plugin moves from Beta → Release as more servers need to start using the plugin in order to catch bugs in production environments.
- For people using any of the previous alpha versions, you need to reset your data for this update.
- For people upgrading from any version, you should reset all your configs for this update.
- Added
{/translate <key> ?: "fallback"}
,{/keybind <key>}
,{/font <key>}
andhover:{msg;hover msg;+<insertion>}
. - Material names are now translated according to player's chosen Minecraft language (/k lang doesn't affect this) Most notable one would be
/k tradable
. /k admin cmd <command>
will now strip the "/k" prefix instead of warning about it.- Players can now use
/k info <others>
by default due to a high number of people mistaking this for a bug. - The plugin will now give a more accurate description of the state of each integration on startup.
- Some progression on Bedrock Forms.
- Fixed the data converter for SQL-based databases (except H2 which works fine).
- Fixed disabled integrations that were remains of testing.
- Fixed an issue where message compiler errors were not propogated properly for certain errors.
- Fixed the nexus placeholder, specially in
/k show
. - Fixed
/k admin shield
now it supports general selectors like/k admin rp
. - Fixed some coloring issues in champion upgrades GUI.
- Most GUI skull values are now replaced with a macro for easier updates. Also standardized
macro in more places. - Fixed an error caused by opening a kingdom's mailbox from
/k admin nexus
- Fixed the shield duration shown on the "refund" option in shields GUI when opneing someone else's nexus as an admin.
- Fixed a
/k admin migrate database
issue caused by migrating from a flat-file database. - Minor performance improvements. Updated all database drivers to the latest versions.
- [Outposts] Added arena mobs feature.
- [Outposts] Moved Outposts addon GUI files to the addon itself instead of keeping it in the core plugin.
- [Outposts] Fixed an issue where having Outposts addon installed messed with the main PvP settings.
- [Outposts] Fixed
/k outpost create
tab-completion for region names. - [Outposts] Fixed "money" and "resource-points" outposts settings.
- [Map Viewers] Fixed an error with Map Viewers addon and Pl3xMap & Squaremap.
- [Map Viewers] Fixed top kingdom map markers not updating properly.
- [Map Viewers] Fixed some responsiveness issues for smaller screens.
- [Map Viewers] Fixed an error caused by setting a banner and uninstalling Map Viewers addon.
- [EngineHub] Fixed
WorldGuard flag.
k unclaim hotfix
- Added some checks to ensure that worlds are loaded properly (detects world issues from plugins like Multiverse)
- Fixed an issue with /k unclaim not checking permissions.
- The internal chat format is now set for non-global channels for people who wish to disable the
option in chat.yml - Changed some stats data.
- All addons should be updated.
- Fixed a few issues regarding the API classes.
- Fixed plugin permissions.
- Fixed the "enabled" option for bossbar configs.
- Fixed an issue with outdated 1.17 servers regarding scoreboards.
- Fixed an issue where chapmion abilities were executed even when the champion dies.
- Fixed some placeholder related context with turrets.
- Improved BlueMap support.
- Improved chunk border markers during plunder invasions.
Note: Due to some changes in turret system, this build is a little unstable and turrets might not function properly.
Since a large percentage of people continue to use 1.20.1 for some reasons, 1.20.1 is now supported once again.
Fixed a rare error caused by "/k redo/undo" commands.
Fixed an issue with /k admin migrate database
when migrating between two SQL databases.
Added some restriction to "/k admin openFile" to prevent possible security issues.
Fixed YAML database issues.
Fixed an issue where some config commands are dispatched async.
Removed unnecessary precision from location placeholders.
Significant turret performance improvements.
Fixed Peace Treaties & Outposts addons.
KingdomInvadeEndEvent can now be cancelled.