LibreBuild. First Release
I'm excited to introduce LibreBuild! The purpose of this project is to bring Schematic Placement to all players, not just administrators. But how does it work?
- Administrators can easily create and load schematics using the WorldEdit API. They can also give themselves or other players a blueprint of any schematic stored in the WorldEdit/schematics folder.
- Players can place these schematics using the blueprint they have been given.
Can users grief with this implementation? No, users should not be able to grief. LibreBuild includes an additional layer of protection. Before a blueprint is placed, the plugin checks the schematic’s size and verifies whether it intersects with a protected WorldGuard region.
Are there any permissions? Yes! Currently, there are two permissions: 1.
→ Default: true. Allows players to place schematics using a blueprint. 2.librebuild.command.admin
→ Default: OP. Grants access to all plugin commands (non-administrators should not have this permission).
Which language are supported? Currently, LibreBuild supports the following languages: English (en), Spanish (es), French (fr), Russian (ru), and Dutch (de). However, you can add your own .yml file and set it as the target language. Alternatively, you can simply edit the existing language.yml file to customize the translations as you like.
This plugin aims to bring back an old game mechanic: the ability to purchase houses and structures, so players don’t have to rely solely on their building skills to own a beautiful home or a well-designed structure.