


Filter messages sent to your Velocity, BungeeCord, Sponge and Paper consoles

Server ManagementUtility

Created2 years ago
Updated10 months ago

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Added 1.20.x support

This release includes an exclusive version optimized for Paper 1.19.3+ called LogFilter-Paper. For older versions, simply use LogFilter-Bukkit

What's Changed

Full Changelog: https://github.com/4drian3d/LogFilter/compare/3.0.4...3.0.5

LogFilter will now have an exclusive version for Paper 1.19.3 and higher, it is part of the new category of Paper Plugins https://docs.papermc.io/paper/reference/paper-plugins

This allows to download dependencies in runtime and to be able to filter messages in console in advance.


Fixed Velocity load order

What's Changed

  • fix: Fixed Paper load order

Before this change, the plugin was loaded after loading the worlds, so some messages might not be filtered

From now on the plugin will be distributed with a different jar for each platform. this allows different versions to run on different java versions, as well as versions such as Sponge, which already contain Configurate, to be lighter.

What's Changed

Requirements for this version

  • Java 8+

From now on the plugin will be distributed with a different jar for each platform. this allows different versions to run on different java versions, as well as versions such as Sponge, which already contain Configurate, to be lighter.

What's Changed

Requirements for this version

  • Java 11+
  • Velocity 1.1.x|3.0.x|3.1.x|3.2.0

From now on the plugin will be distributed with a different jar for each platform. this allows different versions to run on different java versions, as well as versions such as Sponge, which already contain Configurate, to be lighter.

What's Changed

Requirements for this version

  • Java 8+

Implemented Sponge, Krypton and Paper Platforms


  • Sponge 8+
  • Velocity 3.0+
  • Bukkit 1.8.8+
  • Krypton 0.66.3+

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