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Minecraft Paintball is a fast-paced shooter game with 2 teams battling with paintball guns. Players who get painted from helmet to boots are stunned and must hope for a teammate to revive them with a water bomb. The team with the last players standing wins!

Disclaimer: This plugin is not affiliated with Mineplex and was made as a hobby project to keep Mineplex's paintball mini-game alive. Use at your own risk.

Playable Maps

If you are looking for maps to play this game, hop on our Discord where ready-to-play maps are available to download!

preview with three paintball maps


There are 3 types of guns players can choose from with different properties:

descriptions of the three gun types


With /pb stats you can see the statistics about the games you played or the statistics from other players.

example of ingame player stats

Simple Setup

  • Download the plugin and WorldEdit and slap it into your plugins folder.
  • Head to our Discord and download the world with playable maps.
  • Start your server and join a round of paintball with your friends: /pb join Paintball.

Custom Setup


To set up your own paintball game, you need to do the following steps:

  • Create at least 1 arena (a map) where the paintball battle can take place.
  • Create 1 waiting lobby where players wait until enough players have joined to start a game.
  • Link the arena to the waiting lobby.

Arena Setup

The arenas (or maps) where the battles take place consist of:

  • 1 WorldEdit Schematic to reset after a match.
  • Spawnpoints for both teams, where the players are teleported to at the beginning of the game.

The commands for that are:

  • /pb arena create <arena name> <schematic name>
    Creates the arena with a name and a schematic. The arena schematic will be pasted to the location you are at.
  • /pb arena add-spawn <arena name> <team name>
    The block you are standing on will now be added as a spawn point for one of the two teams (Ember or Ice).

Lobby Setup

Players must join a waiting lobby to start a paintball game. When the minimum number of players joined, a countdown to the start of the game begins. In the lobby players can select their weapon, queue for a team, and vote for the map to play on next.

  • /pb lobby create <lobby name>
    Creates a waiting lobby. The block you are standing on is now the spawn point for players joining the lobby.
  • /pb join <lobby name>
    Command to join a lobby.
  • /pb lobby link-arena <lobby name> <arena name>
    Links an arena to a lobby so that it can be played in that lobby.
    A lobby MUST have at least 1 linked arena to start a game.

Now you are ready to play :)


This plugin supports placeholders for displaying the stats for each player, e.g., with holograms.

List of Placeholders





#change this to "plugins/FastAsyncWorldEdit/schematics" if you are using FAWE
schematics-folder: "plugins/WorldEdit/schematics"
#seconds until game start if enough players joined a lobby
    seconds: 60
    #minimum amount of players to get a game started
    min-players: 2
    #maximum amount of players to join a lobby
    max-players: 16
    #amount of hearts that players get ingame
    player-health-points: 4
    #how many water bombs each player gets at start of game
    water-bombs: 3
#chat prefixes that players get ingame. Use & to add color codes
    alive: "%team-color%<%player%>&r"
    dead: "&7Dead %team-color%<%player%>&r"
#modifiers to fine tune each paintball kit
        #damage in 1/2 hearts
        bullet-dmg: 3
        bullet-speed: 3.0
        bullet-spread: 0.01
        #speed potion effect strength
        player-speed: 1
        bullet-count: 6
        bullet-dmg: 1
        bullet-speed: 1.25
        bullet-spread: 0.35
        player-speed: 1
        bullet-dmg: 1
        bullet-speed: 2.25
        max-bullet-spread: 0.2
        player-speed: 1


  • allows players to join paintball lobbies. Enabled for everyone by default.

  • paintball.moderator
    Allows player to make others join a lobby with /pb join <player name> and start a game with /pb start.

  • paintball.configure
    Allows player to use /pb lobby and /pb arena commands.

List of all Commands

  • /pb reload
    Reload changes in the config.yml or language.yml.

  • /pb join <lobby name>
    Join a paintball game.

  • /pb stats <player name>
    View your stats of the games you or another player played.

  • /pb leave
    Leave a game lobby.

  • /pb start
    Force starts the game in a lobby.

  • /pb arena

    • create <arena name> <schematic name>
      Creates an arena with the specified schematic (from the schematics folder, see config). The schematic will be pasted to where you are currently standing.
    • delete <arena name>
      Deletes an arena.
    • copy <old arena name> <new arena name>
      Creates a copy of an arena with a new name and your current location to paste the schematic there.
    • move <arena name>
      Moves the whole arena over to your current location.
    • add-spawn <arena name> <team name>
      Adds a team spawn to an arena where players of a team will be spawned when the game starts.
    • remove-spawn <arena name> <team name> <spawn list index>
      Removes a team spawn from an arena.
    • list-spawns <arena name> <team name>
      Lists all spawns for a team.
    • reset <arena name>
      Rebuilds the schematic of an arena manually.
  • /pb lobby

    • create <lobby name>
      Creates a waiting lobby. The lobby’s spawn point is set to where you are currently standing.
    • delete <lobby name>
      Deletes a waiting lobby.
    • link <lobby name> <arena name>
      Links an arena to a lobby. The arena will now show up in the map vote menu of that lobby.
    • unlink <arena name>
      Unlink an arena from a lobby.
    • set-spawn <lobby name>
      Sets a lobby’s spawn point to where you are currently standing.
    • set-exit <lobby name>
      Sets a lobby’s exit spawn point to where people teleport when leaving the lobby.
    • list-arenas <lobby name>
      Lists all arenas linked to a certain lobby.
  • /pb list

    • arenas
      Lists all arenas created on the server.
    • lobbies
      Lists all lobbies created on the server.


  • ✅ pew pew
  • ✅ translation support
  • ❓ Sniper Rifle
    Long range sniper rifle. Sneak to scope. Higher damage the longer scoped.
  • ❓ idk achievements?
  • ❓ your ideas

Project members



Technical information

Project ID