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Plugin to see the amount of mobs you have killed (separate amounts for each mob) & to set rewards if someone reaches a specific amount of mobkills of specific mob. Compatible with 39 mobs!! Perfect for Survival Servers and more!! Added new PlaceHolders to use!!

Compatible Mobs:

Zombies Skeletons Spiders Cave_Spiders Blazes Creepers Ender_Dragons Endermans Endermites Bats Chickens Cows Ghasts Guardians Horses Iron_Golems Magma_Cubes Mushroom_Cows Ocelots Pigs Pig_Zombies Players Rabbits Sheeps Silverfishs Slimes Snowmans Squids Villagers Witchs Withers Wolfs Wardens Allays Axolotles Bees Piglins Brute piglins Zombified_piglins.


(This isn't required to the plugin work, but if you want to use PlaceHolders of this plugin, you need to have PlaceHolderAPI plugin.)


All placeholders have the same syntax: %mkc_<MobName>% All possible arguments to <MobName>: zombies, skeletons, spiders, cave_spiders, blazes, creepers, ender_dragons, endermans, endermites, bats, chickens, cows, ghasts, guardians, horses, iron_golems, magma_cubes, mushroom_cows, ocelots, pigs, pig_zombies, sheeps, silverfishs, slimes, snowmans, squids, villagers, witchs, withers, wolfs, wardens, allays, axolotles, bees, piglins, brute_piglins, or zombified_piglins.

For example: %mkc_zombies% or %mkc_iron_golems%.


/mkc page - Use it to see the plugin page and see detailed info about the plugin.
/mkc placeholders - Use it to see the available placeholders.
/mkc version - Use it to see the plugin version.
/mkc reload - Use it to reload the config.
/mkc permissions - Use it to see the plugin permissions.
/mobkills - Use it to see all mobs you killed.
/mobkills <player> - Use it to see all mobs a specific player killed.
/mkc setreward <name of the mob> <kills for reward> - Use it to set a reward if someone reaches a specific kills of specific mob.


mkc.version - /mkc version
mkc.reload - /mkc reload
mkc.mobs - /mobkills
mkc.setrewards - /mkc setreward
mkc.placeholders - /mkc placeholders

Config Note:

With the Send-Message-insteadof-Command option, you can send message without the console if the command is /msg or /tell, this is because some plugins like ChatManager blocks the sending of messages with console. With this option you also can send the messages with colors.

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