Name Tag - v1.0.0-beta
on Feb 20, 2025Name Tag - v1.0.0-beta
Fully Customizable Skin and Names with API Support!
- You are able to nick as any person in Minecraft.
- You are able to set your nickname with any name.
- You are able to set your skin with another player's skin.
- You are able to set your skin with a Mineskin.
- You are able to nick or reset multiple people's nick at the same time.
Due to the nature of how Minecraft handles nicknames, nicking a player as another player when that player is online can and will cause issues. Name Tag doesn't check to provide users the full extent to nicking players as this plugin can be used as a traditional nick plugin or for content creation.
Name Tag uses CommandAPI and NickAPI as its dependency, please remember to install it before using Name Tag!