


The ngrok Minecraft plugin updates your server's IP in a Discord channel and maintains connectivity using dynu domains.

Server LibraryManagementUtility

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Created15 days ago
Updated15 days ago

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Ngrok Minecraft Plugin - Enhance Server Accessibility and Stability with Discord Integration and Dynu Domains

The Ngrok Minecraft plugin seamlessly integrates with Discord, automatically updating your server's IP address in a designated channel for easy access. Leveraging Dynu domains, it ensures stable connections by dynamically updating the domain to reflect any IP changes.


  • Automatically updates server IP in a Discord channel
  • Utilizes Dynu domains for stable connections
  • Configurable settings for seamless integration


  1. Download the plugin jar from the latest Github Release.
  2. Navigate to the plugins folder in your servers root directory.
  3. Copy the plugin jar to the plugins folder.
  4. Start the server and wait until the configuration files of the plugin are generated.
  5. Stop the server.
  6. Navigate to the plugins folder and open folder NgrokCommunication
  7. Open config.yml & fill the required information (ngrok auth token, region, discord connection, etc.)
  8. Restart the server.
  9. The public IP will be logged in the console.
  10. Enjoy!

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  • Compatible with most Minecraft server setups and versions.
  • Ensure compatibility with other plugins that modify server IP or Discord integration.


Customization may be required based on your specific server requirements. Always monitor server performance to ensure seamless operation.


This plugin is not affiliated with or endorsed by Mojang Studios. Minecraft is a trademark of Mojang Studios.

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