Minecraft: Java Edition
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Origins-Reborn-Enhanced is a stable and high-performance fork of the plugin Origins-Reborn.
Requires EnderaLib to work.
You can find a detailed guide to Origins-Reborn here — a wiki maintained by the original author. For now, it’s fully compatible with this plugin since only internal behavior has changed, which explains topics such as custom origins, custom powers, and more! Additionally, Origins-Reborn-Enhanced supports Skript, allowing you to create your own custom powers without needing to develop your own plugins.

Though it's only seen for a moment, one of the most recognisable parts of the Origins mod is its origin selection GUI.
Here you can see Origins Reborn's close recreation of that GUI, using only the plugin and a resource pack sent to the players upon joining!
Though it's not identical to the original mod, it's a close recreation that'll give your server a professional look.
Using custom fonts to assemble the GUI as it's opened, this GUI functions in a way that lets you create your own custom origins without needing to make any changes to the resource pack!
The Cooldown Bars
After many hours of development, Origins Reborn 2.3.0 brought in the cooldown bars seen in the original mod.
Not only are they identical to the ones in the mod, appearing just above your hunger, they're also fully customisable!
All 10 origins from the original mod are added, as well as the option to select a random origin.
Custom origins are also possible using addon plugins such as Origins-Mobs-Enhanced, Origins-Fantasy-Enhanced, Origins-Monsters, and Origins-Magic. (Note: Only Origins-Monsters and Origins-Magic are currently unavailable)
You can also make your own custom origins using existing abilities by editing the json files in ~/plugins/Origins-Reborn/origins/
You can see a full list of abilities in the Endera discord server, as well as request custom abilities to be made for you.
Origins Reborn Enhanced is a Paper plugin, meaning it works with server software like Paper and Purpur. Spigot compatibility will not be implemented in the future.
Origins Reborn also has Geyser compatibility using Bedrock's forms feature for the Origin selection menu. There may be some issues with some origin abilities due to inconsistencies between Bedrock and Java, so please report any bugs you find.
How to use
When joining the server for the first time, players must select an origin. The origins have a custom GUI that looks similar to the GUI from the original mod, with arrows to select origins and scroll up and down in the origin and ability descriptions.
The configuration has options for many things such as randomised origins, enabling a Vault connection for the /origin swap
command, choosing a new origin upon death, and much more!
There are also options to prevent players from having the same origins or getting origins they've had before - though when using these it is suggested to use lots of addon origins to avoid running out.
All options in the configuration are labelled and explained to make modifying the configuration easier.
How to Use
When players join the server for the first time, they must select an origin. The origins feature a custom GUI similar to the original mod, with arrows for selecting origins and scrolling through descriptions.
The configuration options include:
- Randomized origins
- Vault connection for the
/origin swap
command - Choosing a new origin upon death
- Options to prevent players from having the same origins or from selecting origins they have previously had
All configuration options are clearly labeled and explained for easier modification.
Included origins:
- Human
- Regular experience, no advantages or disadvantages
- Arachnid
- Can climb up all solid surfaces, not just ladders
- Can climb around inside of webs, craft webs with 2 string, temporarily trap things in webs when you hit them, and can see a glowing effect around any mobs inside of webs
- Can only eat meat (any other food provides no saturation and poisons you)
- Only has 7 hearts
- Takes more damage and is given slowness by Bane of Arthropods
- Avian
- Slow falling unless sneaking
- Can only sleep above Y 86
- Moves faster than normal players
- Lays an egg when sleeping through the night
- Cannot eat meat (provides no saturation and poisons you)
- Blazeborn
- Immune to all forms of fire damage
- Default spawn is in the Nether
- Deals extra damage when on fire
- Cannot be poisoned or food poisoned
- Takes damage in water
- Has flame particles
- Takes damage from snowballs and potions
- Elytrian
- Can glide without an elytra by double-clicking jump
- Can launch into the air by pressing shift whilst gliding
- Deals double damage when gliding
- Cannot wear armour better than chain
- Gets slowness and weakness when a block is directly above
- Takes double kinetic damage
- Enderian
- Can throw an ender pearl every 30 seconds by left-clicking the air whilst holding nothing
- Takes damage in water
- Cannot see players wearing pumpkins, and gets poison and nausea from pumpkin pie
- Has ender particles
- Takes damage from potions
- Feline
- Takes no fall damage
- Jumps higher when sprinting
- Walking is not heard by sculk sensors or wardens
- Only has 9 hearts
- Cannot break natural stone if there are more than 2 natural stone blocks touching it
- Scares creepers away unless you hit them first
- Has night vision when out of water
- Merling
- Can breathe in water but not out of water
- Can see clearer underwater
- Can break blocks quicker underwater
- Swims faster underwater
- Only sink in water if you want to
- Takes extra damage from Impaling
- Gets air from potions
- Phantom
- Can enter/exit Phantom Form by pressing left-click whilst holding nothing
- Can phase through blocks in Phantom Form
- Invisible in Phantom Form
- Burns in daylight when not in Phantom Form
- Loses hunger faster in Phantom Form
- Only has 7 hearts
- Has a red overlay in Phantom Form
- Shulk
- Has 9 slots of inventory not lost on death, openable by right-clicking the chestplate slot
- Naturally has defense without wearing armour
- Can break natural stone blocks without a pickaxe
- Cannot use a shield
- Loses hunger faster