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Fixed an issue where some enchantments and potion effects would not be detected/applied correctly on versions below 1.20.5

Added functionality for hasAbility overrides in addon plugins

Adds compatibility with 1.20.x

Added a config option for the message to show when a player does not have permission to use /origin swap

Added hex support to prefix, suffix and background title screen options

Added a 'background' option to the screen title customisation options, to add a piece of text between the GUI background and information

Added PAPI support with the placeholder %origin%

Fixed an issue with NoSuchMethodError when updating invisibility on some older builds of Paper

Added compatibility for AuthMe

Fixed a NullPointerException when using some abilities in addon plugins

Fixed a few issues such as potential lag caused by not selecting origins, bedrock players not having custom selection screen when using a proxy and left click being called when stepping on pressure plates

Also adds custom model data compatibility to origin icons

Fixed an issue where the random origin selection did not work properly upon initially joining

Fixed an issue with errors when not using Geyser

Fixed an issue with origin spawn points not working if your origin changes upon death

Added options to prevent players reusing origins or having the same origins as each other

Actually fixed an issue where Merlings had water breathing above water forever with turtle shells

Fixed an issue where Merlings had water breathing above water forever with turtle shells

Fixed an issue in the console causing errors with the Web Master ability

Fixed a java.lang.NullPointerException that triggers upon an origin being removed

Patched a bug where players with the light armor ability could wear heavy armor by wearing it then switching to an origin with it

Bugfix added so players on Java can no longer close the selection GUI if they do not yet have an origin

Added Bedrock compatibility when using GeyserMC

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