PhantomIsolation has been archived. PhantomIsolation will not receive any further updates unless the author decides to unarchive the project.
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PhantomIsolation is a plugin allow player choose phantom should spawn on them self.

Key Features:

  1. In-game command to check, enabled, disabled setting.

  2. Permission-based access: Server administrators can control which players have access to the plugin's features by configuring permissions.

  3. Configurable messages and settings

  4. Support Mysql , Flat Flies storage type

In summary, PhantomIsolation is help player don't like phantom still enjoy the game.

Permissions & Commands

Command Description Permission Default
/pil usage command list ``
/pil check check current settings
/pil status check current settings
/pil enable disable phantom to spawn on you
/pil on disable phantom to spawn on you
/pil disable enable phantom to spawn on you
/pil off enable phantom to spawn on you
/phantomisolationreload reload configuration flies phantomisolation.reload false
/pilr reload configuration flies phantomisolation.reload false
/phantomisolation <usage> alias command for easy to using command


# PhantomIsolation2 Configuration

# PhantomIsolation command messages
    status: "&aPhantom Isolation is currently %status%"
    status_enabled: "&aenabled"
    status_disabled: "&cdisabled"
    not-player: "&cThis command can only be executed by a player!"
    enabled: "&aPhantom Isolation is now enabled."
    disable: "&cPhantom Isolation is now disabled."
    usage: "&6Usage: /phantomisolation &a[check|disable|enable]"

# PhantomIsolationReload command messages
    reload-config: "&aConfiguration reloaded successfully."
    reload-config-error: "&cAn error occurred while reloading the configuration."

# Database settings and error messages
  # Database type
  datatype: "flatfile" # Options: "flatfile" or "mysql"

  # MySQL database settings (only used if datatype is "mysql")
  address: "localhost:3306"
  user: "username"
  password: "password"
  database: "phantom_isolation"

  # Flat file error messages
    fail-load: "&cFailed to load data from the flat file."
    fail-save: "&cFailed to save data to the flat file."

  # MySQL error messages
    fail-connect: "&cFailed to connect to MySQL database."
    fail-load: "&cFailed to load data from the MySQL database."
    fail-save: "&cFailed to save data to the MySQL database."


If you would like to contribute to PhantomIsolation, feel free to submit a pull request with your changes. All contributions are welcome and appreciated.


This plugin is licensed under the MIT license. See for more information.

External resources

Project members



Technical information

Project ID