The big update
- New Gadget "Pig boost"
- New Gadget "Color gun" // 2.0
- Auto Localization language for player. if player language in the game == Russian , then messages and gadgets and everything in the plugin will be in Russian for him, and if the player has English language in the game, then everything in the plugin will be in English.
- New Command for open gadget menu /gadgets
- New Directory in plugin "lang" this directory has a 2 files, en.yml (english messages) ru.yml (russian messages) (this all for The third point)
- New permission "piggadget.menugadget" for /gadgets command
What's new
- updated config.yml (Added new categories~~~~)
+ messages:
+ blockpainted: "Block has been painted!"
+ cannotpainted: "Cannot paint block here!"
+ Entity:
+ fatcow: "Жирная корова"
+ # fatcow: "Fat Cow"
+ Materials:
+ itemgadget: "STRUCTURE_VOID"
Now You can change gadget item type. Now You can change entity name. Now You can change messages.