Minecraft: Java Edition
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PlayerHunt is an engaging Minecraft plugin that allows players to engage in a thrilling hunt game. Hunters must track down and eliminate runners, while runners must avoid hunters and try to defeat the Ender Dragon to win the game.
- Team Management: Add and manage players in hunter and runner teams.
- Compass for Hunters: Hunters receive a compass that points to the nearest runner.
- Countdown Timer: A configurable countdown timer before the game starts.
- Language Support: Customizable language messages to tailor the game experience.
The main command to manage the PlayerHunt game. Subcommands include:
- /playerhunt start: Starts the game with a countdown timer.
- /playerhunt stop: Stops the game immediately.
- /playerhunt reload: Reloads the plugin configuration and language files.
- /playerhunt team: Manages team-related actions.
/playerhunt team
Subcommands for team management:
- /playerhunt team add hunter
: Adds a player to the hunter team. - /playerhunt team add runner
: Adds a player to the runner team. - /playerhunt team remove
: Removes a player from the game. - /playerhunt team view: Views the current teams.
- /playerhunt team clear: Clears all players from the game.
- /playerhunt team last: Sets the game players to the last game's players.
The plugin uses a config.yml
file to manage settings. Key configuration options include:
- countdown: The countdown time before the game starts.
- compass: Settings related to the hunter's compass, including cooldown and display options.
# Countdown to game start in seconds
countdown: 20
# Whether the plugin should use a custom tablist when the game is progressing.
enableTablist: true
enabled: true
# Seconds for which the player can't use the compass after using it once
cooldown: 10
name: '<reset><dark_purple><b>Runner Compass</b> <gray>(Right-Click)'
- '<aqua>Shows you the direction to the nearest runner.'
- '<gray><i>Right-click to update direction'
droppable: false
showEnchanted: true
enableRunner: true
enableHunter: true
Customizable messages are stored in language
folder. Key messages include:
- deathMessages: Messages for player deaths, differentiated by whether they are hunters or runners.
- commands: Messages for various plugin commands.
- countdown: Messages shown during the countdown before the game starts.
- titles: Titles displayed to players at key points in the game.
# Prefix which will be shown before all the messages.
prefix: "<gold>PlayerHunt <gray>»<white>"
# Runner dies, but not to a hunter (e.g., fall damage, killed by other players not included in the game, etc.). PlaceholderAPI parsed for runner
runnerDied: "<green>Runner <aqua>%player%</aqua> has died! There are <aqua>%runners%</aqua> runners left."
# A hunter kills runner. PlaceholderAPI parsed for runner
runnerKilled: "<green>Runner <aqua>%runner%</aqua> has been killed by the hunter <aqua>%hunter%</aqua>. There are <aqua>%runners%</aqua> runners left."
# Hunter dies to anything that is not a player
hunterDied: "<green>Hunter <aqua>%hunter%</aqua> has died!"
# Hunter dies to a runner
hunterKilled: "<green>Hunter <aqua>%hunter%</aqua> has been killed by the runner <aqua>%runner%</aqua>"
helpHeader: "<gold>Help: <b>%command%"
# /playerhunt reload
reload: "<green>Configurations and languages reloaded."
# /playerhunt start
# Player executes the command
starting: "<green>Countdown has been initiated and the game will start in <aqua>%time%s</aqua>."
# There are not enough players (one hunter and one runner) to start the game
notEnoughPlayers: "<red>Not enough players to start a player hunt."
# Player tries to execute this command while a game is already running
gameAlreadyStarted: "<red>Game already started. If you want to stop it, you can use <aqua>/playerhunt stop</aqua>."
# /playerhunt stop
# Player forcefully stops the game by using this command
# Note: This message will be sent instead of game-end.message in case the stop command was used.
gameStopped: "<red>The game was forcefully stopped."
# Player tries to execute this command while a game isn't already running
gameNotStarted: "<red>Game not started. If you want to start it, you can use <aqua>/playerhunt start</aqua>."
# /playerhunt add
hunter: "<green>Added <aqua>%player%</aqua> as <aqua>hunter</aqua>."
runner: "<green>Added <aqua>%player%</aqua> as <aqua>runner</aqua>."
# Player tries to add an offline player
notFound: "<red>A player with that name is not online!"
# Player tries to add a player that already is in a team
alreadyInTeam: "<red>The player is already in a team! Remove the player using <aqua>/playerhunt remove</aqua>."
# /playerhunt add [hunter/runner]
help: |-
<yellow>/playerhunt team add hunter <gold><username> <gray>- <white>Add a player to the hunter team
<yellow>/playerhunt team add runner <gold><username> <gray>- <white>Add a player to the runner team
# /playerhunt team
# /playerhunt team view
view: |-
# /playerhunt team remove
success: "<green>Removed <aqua>%player%</aqua> from the game."
# Player tries to remove an offline player
notFound: "<red>A player with that name is not online!"
# Player tries to remove while the countdown is progressing
inCountdown: "<red>You can't remove players during countdown!"
help: "<yellow>/playerhunt team remove <gold><username> <gray>- <white>Remove a player from the game"
# /playerhunt team clear
clear: "<green>Cleared all players from game."
# /playerhunt team last
last: "<green>Set game players to the last game's players."
# /playerhunt team
help: |-
<yellow>/playerhunt team add hunter <gold><username> <gray>- <white>Add a player to the hunter team
<yellow>/playerhunt team add runner <gold><username> <gray>- <white>Add a player to the runner team
<yellow>/playerhunt team remove <gold><username> <gray>- <white>Remove a player from the game
<yellow>/playerhunt team last <gray>- <white>Set current team to players from previous game
<yellow>/playerhunt team clear <gray>- <white>Remove all players
<yellow>/playerhunt team view <gray>- <white>See the current teams
help: |-
<yellow>/playerhunt team <gray>- <white>Commands to manage teams (add or remove players)
<yellow>/playerhunt start <gray>- <white>Start the game
<yellow>/playerhunt stop <gray>- <white>Stop the game
<yellow>/playerhunt reload <gray>- <white>Reload configuration and languages
# Countdown to the start of the game in chat
message: "<green>Game starts in <aqua>%time%s</aqua>..."
# 1; To disable any titles, remove their title and subtitle
# 2; fade-in, stay, and fade-out are in ticks (20 ticks = 1 second)
# Title to show as countdown
title: "<dark_green>%time%"
subtitle: "<gray>seconds left"
fade-in: 3
stay: 20
fade-out: 3
title: "<gold>Player Hunt Started!"
subtitle: "<gray>You are a <b>%team%</b>."
fade-in: 10
stay: 80
fade-out: 10
title: "<gold>Player Hunt Ended!"
subtitle: "<gray>The winner team was <b>%team%</b>."
title: "<gold>Player Hunt Ended!"
subtitle: "<gray>The game was forcefully ended."
# 1; type can be ACTION_BAR, CHAT, and anything else.
# ACTION_BAR: Message shows up in action bar
# CHAT: Message shows up in chat
# Something else: Disables the message
# Player tries to interact with compass, but there are no runners in their world
content: "<red>There are no runners in your current world."
# The compass is in cooldown
content: "<red>Compass in cooldown! Cannot use for <aqua>%time%s</aqua>."
# The Compass is successfully used, and the direction updated
content: "<green>X: <aqua>%x%</aqua>, <green>Z: <aqua>%z%</aqua>"
gameStarted: |-
<gold><st> </st><b>Player Hunt</b><st> </st></gold>
Hunters have to try to kill the runners as fast as possible,
while the runners try their best to
win the game by defeating the Ender Dragon.
gameEnded: |-
<green>The player hunt game has ended. The <aqua>%team%</aqua> have won!