- Fix possible situations where kill on logout is blocked by other plugins
- Fix restore fly on MC 1.8
If you enjoy the plugin, leaving a review or a star on Github would be great and very appreciated!
For some extra features/updates check out PvPManager premium
- Fly state should now be restored after player is untagged
- Fix being able to place lava buckets near pvp disabled players in certain cases
- NPCs are no longer ignored for PvP checks
- Log to console when pvp disabled fee is applied and config errors caused by users
- Some few new translations
If you enjoy the plugin, leaving a review or a star on Github would be great and very appreciated!
For some extra features/updates check out PvPManager premium
Your old config and messages will be renamed and you will have to reconfigure the plugin.
This is a super early release version of PvPManager v4.
There are a ton of improvements and new features, some that were previously only on the premium version.
The config and messages file were entirely reorganized, as well as most of the plugin's code was refactored.
Expect bugs, and if you do find them please report on github!
- Add support for Dutch language and a few updates to other languages
- Block interact can also block pressure plates now
- Fix an issue caused by a debug message
- Fix TRANSFER drop mode issue with self deaths
- Changed default PvP toggle nametags for on/off
If you enjoy the plugin, leaving a review or a star on Github would be great and very appreciated!
For some extra features/updates check out PvPManager premium
- Fix combat nametag issues
If you enjoy the plugin, leaving a review or a star on Github would be great and very appreciated!
For some extra features/updates check out PvPManager premium
- Add more details to the combat logs file in the plugin folder
- Fix spacing on global pvp admin message
- Fix an issue registering scoreboard teams on plugin reload
- Add some debug messages
- Some library updates
If you enjoy the plugin, leaving a star on Github would be great and very appreciated!
For some extra features/updates check out PvPManager premium
- Add time argument to /combattag command, /combattag <player> 10 would tag the player for 10 seconds
- Add a list of exempt permissions a player has on /pvpinfo
- Add option to block opening inventories while in combat, this should stop using menus that could bypass blocked commands, enabled by default
- Fix an error running on Folia
- Disable fly for both players in combat to avoid confusion
- Improved a few command messages
- Optimized the action bar code a bit
- Remove console stacktrace when using mcMMO with party system disabled
For some extra features/updates check out PvPManager premium