A long-requested feature, global quests, are now available in the Quest Editor (under Edit Options > Server (Global)
)! When a quest is global, any eligible player joining your server will be automatically enrolled and share progress with every other quester (no party plugin necessary). Please note that operators using an overlay plugin such as QuestsGUI may need to update that resource for this release. As always, report issues on Github.
Thanks for using Quests!
For changes in this version, see https://github.com/PikaMug/Quests/compare/5.2.1...5.2.2
This tiny update fixes an issue with Kill Mob objectives not working properly. If you speak a language which Quests has not yet been translated to, we encourage you to lend a hand on Crowdin. Please also consider joining us on Discord.
Thanks for using Quests!
For changes in this version, see https://github.com/PikaMug/Quests/compare/5.2.0...5.2.1
As we've continued to grow, so has your choice of plugins to pair with Quests. One keen-eyed developer known as HSGamer has laid the foundation for supporting more NPC plugins! While there's no new integration in this update, keep an eye out for third-party offerings. On that note, projects which depend on Quests may need to ensure compatibility with this release. Please reach out to those projects' developers should you encounter any such issues.
Thanks for using Quests!
For changes in this version, see https://github.com/PikaMug/Quests/compare/5.1.6...5.2.0
New year, new updates! This first release ensures support for Minecraft 1.21.4 and recent server software changes. Bugs fixed include better formatting of NPC names in text, and the /quests top command should now work properly with MySQL enabled. Of course, some things never change: please continue reporting any issues on Github and join the conversation on Discord in 2025!
Thanks for using Quests!
For changes in this version, see https://github.com/PikaMug/Quests/compare/5.1.5...5.1.6
In addition to Minecraft 1.21.3 support, a new config setting for inventory click protection while on quests is available, enabled by default. Added experimental support for using <count>
or %count%
in objective display overrides. As always, please continue to report any issues on Github.
Thanks for using Quests!
For changes in this version, see https://github.com/PikaMug/Quests/compare/5.1.4...5.1.5
More bugs have been squashed in this release, with one courtesy of ReconXMaverick on Github. As per usual, contributions are appreciated there as well as through Crowdin. Please also consider joining us on Discord.
Thanks for using Quests!
For changes in this version, see https://github.com/PikaMug/Quests/compare/5.1.3...5.1.4
Here's another tiny release which addresses custom rewards not being granted if a detail override is set. Once again, updating to this version is highly recommended. Thank you for continuing to report issues on Github.
Thanks for using Quests!
For changes in this version, see https://github.com/PikaMug/Quests/compare/5.1.2...5.1.3
Little update for a big bug! Certain objectives could exceed their maximum objective count under certain criteria. Updating to this version is highly recommended. As always, please continue to report any issues on Github.
Thanks for using Quests!
For changes in this version, see https://github.com/PikaMug/Quests/compare/5.1.1...5.1.2
A few bugs have been squashed and Minecraft 1.21.1 is fully supported. This release also marks our 500th development build via CodeMC, a community for open source Minecraft projects. Check them out!
Thanks for using Quests!
For changes in this version, see https://github.com/PikaMug/Quests/compare/5.1.0...5.1.1
In this release, we feel confident that most of the kinks have been worked out regarding recent server software changes, thanks in no small part to IllusionTheDev. Contributions like theirs are welcome on Github, while those of you with linguistic talents can easily lend a hand on Crowdin. For tips or help from fellow server administrators, consider joining the community Discord.
Thanks for using Quests!
For changes in this version, see https://github.com/PikaMug/Quests/compare/5.0.5...5.1.0
Recent development builds of Paper (and forks) for Minecraft 1.21 include a change which breaks certain aspects of Quests. This update includes workarounds to address this change. Spigot servers are not affected, but all users are encouraged to report issues on Github.
Thanks for using Quests!
For changes in this version, see https://github.com/PikaMug/Quests/compare/5.0.4...5.0.5
This release confirms support for Minecraft 1.21 and fixes a few minor issues with translations (no action required). Please continue to report any issues on Github! If you're multilingual, consider lending a hand on Crowdin.
Thanks for using Quests!
For changes in this version, see https://github.com/PikaMug/Quests/compare/5.0.3...5.0.4
Another light and subtle update for Quests which features a fix for reach location objectives. Languages besides the one chosen the config file will also be affected by the /questadmin reload command, and bleeding edge builds will no longer nag admins about "updating" to the current release version. As always, please report any issues on Github.
Thanks for choosing Quests!
For changes in this version, see https://github.com/PikaMug/Quests/compare/5.0.2...5.0.3
A small update with big potential—we're excited to provide support for Minecraft 1.20.5/6, as well as a Belarusian translation via Crowdin! Once again, regenerating your /lang folder is highly recommended for this release. If you speak multiple languages, we encourage you to join ymcei and jadza in translating on Crowdin!
Different levels of Potions and Tipped Arrows will be distinguished during quest objectives, and party support has been updated for mcMMO Overhaul 2.1.229 and up (older versions will no longer be supported).
Thanks for choosing Quests!
For changes in this version, see https://github.com/PikaMug/Quests/compare/5.0.1...5.0.2
Our first minor release of the year fixes particles sometimes not appearing above NPCs' heads (provided the client has particles enabled). It also retires code which handled old string formats for objective messages, so regenerating your /lang folder is highly recommended for this release. This is especially true for Chinese localization, even if it's not your server's default language.
Thanks for choosing Quests!
For changes in this version, see https://github.com/PikaMug/Quests/compare/5.0.0-rc.3...5.0.0
Quests 5 has landed! Those of you coming from last release will find updates to the Quest Compass and custom objectives. The rarely-used /qa pointsall command was also removed. For those of you joining us from Quests 4, the important thing to know is that much has changed under the hood, so you'll need to update any integrations like modules.
With this release, the Quests plugin is now considered feature-complete. Future updates will be focused on bug fixes, but pull requests continue to be welcomed on Github. If you would like to see Quests on other platforms, consider helping reach the https://github.com/sponsors/PikaMug (thank you https://github.com/pebblehost for your continued support).
As always, thanks for choosing Quests!
For changes in this version, see https://github.com/PikaMug/Quests/compare/5.0.0-rc.3...5.0.0
Development builds of ZNPCsPlus which support Minecraft 1.20 have been tested compatible with this release (thanks, D3v1s0m). Storage files have been moved to an aptly-named subfolder, and a new format for quest IDs ('000001' instead of 'custom1') will be the standard going forward. Players losing connection during a reach-location objective will now retain their progress upon return. As always, kindly let us know of any problems you encounter through Github.
Thanks for choosing Quests!
For changes in this version, see https://github.com/PikaMug/Quests/compare/5.0.0-rc.2...5.0.0-rc.3
All reported bugs have been squashed for this pre-release, and a good majority of resources have been updated for compatibility with Quests 5. Now would be a good time to update for those whom skipped—or had trouble with—the last one. Our next few releases will mainly focus on quality-of-life improvements and new features, but please continue to inform us of any concerns on Github or Discord.
Thanks for choosing Quests!
For changes in this version, see https://github.com/PikaMug/Quests/compare/5.0.0-rc.1...5.0.0-rc.2
Did you know that plums were one of the first fruits humans domesticated? While it took thousands of years to breed new varieties, we plan to get Quests 5.0.0 out to you in just a few pre-releases. This initial candidate doesn’t change much with the interface, but alters nearly everything under the hood, so please be aware that your existing add-ons will need to be updated!
In fact, we believe that enough has been changed since the initial release of Quests that it qualifies as a unique offering. Starting with this update, the project is now licensed under MIT, which basically means it’s never been easier for developers to contribute! Our fellow code monkeys should also note that the internal package name has changed to me.pikamug.quests
and all deprecated methods have been removed. Please direct any questions to Github or Discord.
Thanks for choosing Quests!
For changes in this version, see https://github.com/PikaMug/Quests/compare/4.8.3...5.0.0-rc.1
Similar to a slow-growing plant, this update rewards your patience with something beautiful: confirmed support for Minecraft 1.20, plus a number of bug fixes. Empty book titles are now permissible in quests, and the cancel-timer action will no longer fail players (use fail-quest instead). Quests is now available in Bulgarian, along with its documentation, both of which were translated by a handsome, unnamed individual.
This version's updates include:
- Book titles can be null
- Cancel timer does not auto-fail quest
- Reveal display names and update library
- Permit yes/no input from source or client
- Update AstralBooks to latest version by @NicoNeko
New languages completed via Crowdin:
- Bulgarian (translator asked not to be credited)