[+] rounded the placeholder number
[+] bossbar for joined players
[+] option to use challenge bossbar message for timer
change this in config
enable: false
# uses bossbar message of each Challenge and look for %timer% in that
inbossmessage: false
message: '&2Timer: &e%timer% &2sec left'
[+] %total% in winner message to show total stat
[+] Timmer in bossbar to show remaining time
[+] Option to disable capital letters
[+] Option to hide trivia answer
add these in config to use
timmer options
#turning it on will show timer in boss bar in place of message
enable: false
message: '&2Timer: &e%timer% &2sec left'
trivia options
#make the answer all lower case for check
nocap: true
#cancel chat to prevent copy answer
cancelchat: true