


RegionTeleport allows you to teleport all players within a WG region to a specified location.

Server Game MechanicsManagement MobsTransportationUtility

Createda year ago
Updateda year ago

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NOTICE: Spigot Support will be dropped in the near future to take in use things like async teleportation, Kyori Adventure, etc.

New Features

  • Four WorldGuard flags have been added!
    • player-loot-drop - Stop player loot from dropping on death
    • mob-loot-drop - Stop mob loot from dropping on death
    • regiontp-on-entry - Teleport a player to one of the specified locations when they enter the region
    • regiontp-on-exit - Teleport a player to one of the specified locations when they exit the region
    • The regiontp flags works exactly the same as the tp command for spawns, just add the spawns as spawn1,spawn2 as the flag value. This also includes CMI/Essentials addons, ex: ess:spawn1,spawn2


  • Plugin now depends on 1.20.1
  • Updated dependencies
  • api-version has been changed from 1.13 to 1.18
  • Plugin now depends on Paper instead of Spigot (Still works on spigot atm)
  • Recoded RegionTeleportCommands
    • Split some of the code into their own methods for ease of use with other parts of the plugin
    • Removed the two different versions I had for player senders & other senders, there's now only 1 sender.
    • All commands should work from anything that can send commands
    • /regiontp setspawn <name> is now /regiontp setspawn <name> (-x:<x>) (-y:<y>) (-z:<z>) (-w:<world>) (-yaw:<yaw>) (-p:<pitch>) with the variables being optional for players.
    • If a command like setspawn or tp was sent by a player, they, as before, don't have to enter any coordinates / worlds, but they can now do that if they want to.
    • If setspawn is run by a player, the player, if they choose, to include only some of the variables, and the unspecified ones will be grabbed from their location, for example if the player is standing at X 10 Y 50 Z 40, and they specify -x:25 in setspawn, the spawn location will be X 25 Y 50 Z 40.
  • Changed some folder & java file names.
  • Deleted some unused code
  • Made some stuff static
  • Added permission regionteleport.command.clear to regionteleport.command.*
  • If -w:<worldname> is not specified when running /regionclear in console, it'll now send a msg about it instead of a NPE error.

Added /regionclear. This command allows you to clear specific entities from specific regions.

Available Types:
( ) are optional specifications
-ambient (bats)
-items(:<item name>)
-vehicles (Living vehicles like horses are excluded)
(all of the above are included in -all)
-displays (Only 1.19.4+)
-specific:<entity name>

The ones above don't clear npcs, named entities 
& tamed entities, to also clear those you can use:

The -only means only tamed entities will get removed, 
or only entities named "Steve" will get removed, etc.

Command examples:
/regionclear <region(s)> <types> (-s) (-w:[worldname])
/regionclear example1,example2 -animals -named:steve
/regionclear __global__ -animals -named-only:steve
/regionclear example1 -items:diamond,emerald -monsters -w:world_example

Specifying multiple sources is possible, so specifying 
"-monsters -vehicles -specific:block_display" will remove 
all monsters, all non-living vehicles and all block displays.

Moved /regiontp help message from the language file into the plugin directly. This was done to keep /regiontp help up to date at all times.

Fixed the default lang msg for console-wrong-usage showing the wrong format.

Some internal code changes:

  • Java version & language is now 17.
  • Updated dependency versions.
  • Adds support for selecting multiple regions to teleport players from
  • Adds support for teleporting players to multiple spawn locations

/regiontp tp region1,region2,region3 spawn1,spawn2
/regiontp tp region1 spawn1,spawn2

This works with cmi and essentials warps aswell.

  • Some code cleanup courtesy of Ntdi
  • Some more general code cleanup
  • Added two placeholders: %regionteleport_player_count_w:<world>_r:<region>% %regionteleport_player_count_exclude_bypass_w:<world>_r:<region>%
  • Updated spigot dependency to 1.19.3
  • Fixed up parts of the code

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