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Published 6 months ago
Updated 2 months ago
SMPAddons is a simple and customizable plugin that adds features to your Survival Multiplayer (SMP) server. It helps you improve the overall player experience.
Additionally, each feature can be enabled or disabled as you wish.
- Spawn Elytra: You can use an Elytra-like feature when leaving spawn.
- TPS Bar: A live TPS display that shows server performance.
- Customizable MOTD: You can personalize the server's Message of the Day with custom text and colors.
- Playtime Tracker: You can see how long players have been active on the server.
- Status: You can set custom statuses to show before your usernames.
- Claim Shops: You can claim shops to encourage a player-driven economy.
- Language Support: You can choose between German or English.
- Permission Support: You can allow or disallow players to use certain commands of the plugin.
Examples of some Features
Playtime Example
Example for the /playtime command
Example for the /playtime top command
Spawn Elytra Example
MOTD Example
TPS Bar Example
Claim Shop Example
Default Config
Default Configs
# Plugin from Blaxk_
# Defines the language of the plugin. You can change it to 'de' for german, or 'en' for english.
language: en
# Specify whether to enable the MOTD.
motdenabled: false
# The MOTD of the server. That's the text under the server name in the server list.
# You can use color codes with § (If you don't know what these are, search it on the internet.)
- "§6§lUnset MOTD"
- "§aExample text"
# You can use world, world_nether or world_the_end to set where the parkour and spawn elytra works.
world: world
# multiplyValue is the strength of the elytra boost.
multiplyvalue: 2
# This is the spawn radius. This defines where the spawn elytra works.
spawnradius: 50
# Defines if you can use the spawn elytra in the spawn area.
boostenabled: true
# Defines if the command /status works
statusenabled: true
# Defines the maximal status length
maximalstatuslength: 20
# Defines if /claimshop works. (true or false)
claimshopenabled: false
# Defines if a second shop is claimable. (true or false)
secondshopactive: false
# Defines if playtime works. If it's set to false, playtime doesn't count.
playtimenabled: true
# languages.yml
plugin_started: "The SMPAddons plugin has started. | Author - Blaxk_"
plugin_stopped: "The SMPAddons plugin has stopped. | Author - Blaxk_"
motd_error: "Error in MOTD config! Enter 2 lines of MOTD in the config."
besttimes_deleted: "besttimes.yml deleted. (I deleted this feature in version 1.3.1)"
new_version_available: "A new version of SMPAddons is available!"
update_to_version: "Please update to version {latestVersion} (Current version: {currentVersion})"
download_link: "Download link and changelog list:"
failed_update_check: "Failed to check for updates: {errorMessage}"
boost_activated: "Boost activated!"
press_to_boost: "Press {key} in order to boost yourself."
invalid_world: "IMPORTANT! Please update 'world:' in config.yml to match an existing world. Current value '{worldName}' is invalid!"
tps_bar: "TPS: {tps}"
playtime: "Playtime: {hours} hours and {minutes} minutes"
all_playtimes: "All Playtimes:"
unknown_player: "Unknown player (UUID: {uuid})"
your_rank: "Your rank: "
player_not_found: "Player not found."
total_playtime: "The total playtime of {playerName} is{playtime}."
playtime_disabled: "Playtime is currently disabled."
command_only_for_players: "This command can only be used by players."
your_total_playtime: "Your total playtime is"
top_playtimes: "Top Playtimes:"
status_disabled: "Status feature is currently disabled."
status_usage: "Usage: /status <set|reset> [status]"
status_set: "Your status has been set! {roleName} {playerName}"
status_reset: "Your status has been reset."
provide_status: "Please provide a status to set."
status_max_length: "Status cannot exceed {maxLength} characters."
status_must_contain_letter_or_number: "Status must contain at least one letter or number."
invalid_subcommand: "Invalid subcommand."
tps_bar_disabled: "TPS bar disabled."
tps_bar_activated: "TPS bar activated."
claimshop_disabled: "Claiming shops is currently disabled."
specify_shop_name: "Please specify a name for your shop:"
max_shops_reached: "You have already reached the maximum number of claimed shops."
second_shop_unavailable: "The second shop cannot be claimed at this time."
shop_claimed: "You have used {diamonds} diamonds to claim the shop '{shopName}'."
not_enough_diamonds: "You don't have enough diamonds to claim a shop (Required: {requiredDiamonds} diamonds). You only have {diamondsInInventory} diamonds in your inventory."
config_reloaded: "SMPAddons configuration reloaded."
no_permission: "You do not have permission to execute this command."
plugin_version: "Version: {version}"
plugin_description: "SMPAddons is a simple and customizable plugin that adds features to your Survival Multiplayer (SMP) server. It helps you improve the overall player experience."
plugin_author: "Author: Blaxk_"
days: "days"
hours: "hours"
minutes: "minutes"
seconds: "seconds"
plugin_started: "Das SMPAddons-Plugin wurde gestartet. | Autor - Blaxk_"
plugin_stopped: "Das SMPAddons-Plugin wurde gestoppt. | Autor - Blaxk_"
motd_error: "Fehler in der MOTD-Konfiguration! Geben Sie 2 Zeilen MOTD in der Konfiguration ein."
besttimes_deleted: "besttimes.yml gelöscht. (Ich habe dieses Feature in Version 1.3.1 entfernt)"
new_version_available: "Eine neue Version von SMPAddons ist verfügbar!"
update_to_version: "Bitte aktualisiere auf Version {latestVersion} (Aktuelle Version: {currentVersion})"
download_link: "Download-Link und Änderungsprotokoll:"
failed_update_check: "Fehler beim Überprüfen auf Updates: {errorMessage}"
boost_activated: "Boost aktiviert!"
press_to_boost: "Drücke {key}, um dich zu boosten."
invalid_world: "WICHTIG! Bitte aktualisiere 'world:' in config.yml, um einer existierenden Welt zu entsprechen. Der aktuelle Wert '{worldName}' ist ungültig!"
tps_bar: "TPS: {tps}"
playtime: "Spielzeit: {hours} Stunden und {minutes} Minuten"
all_playtimes: "Alle Spielzeiten:"
unknown_player: "Unbekannter Spieler (UUID: {uuid})"
your_rank: "Dein Rang: "
player_not_found: "Spieler nicht gefunden."
total_playtime: "Die gesamte Spielzeit von {playerName} beträgt{playtime}."
playtime_disabled: "Spielzeit ist derzeit deaktiviert."
command_only_for_players: "Dieser Befehl kann nur von Spielern verwendet werden."
your_total_playtime: "Deine gesamte Spielzeit beträgt"
top_playtimes: "Top-Spielzeiten:"
status_disabled: "Status-Funktion ist derzeit deaktiviert."
status_usage: "Verwendung: /status <set|reset> [status]"
status_set: "Dein Status wurde gesetzt! {roleName} {playerName}"
status_reset: "Dein Status wurde zurückgesetzt."
provide_status: "Bitte geben Sie einen Status an, den Sie setzen möchten."
status_max_length: "Status darf {maxLength} Zeichen nicht überschreiten."
status_must_contain_letter_or_number: "Status muss mindestens einen Buchstaben oder eine Zahl enthalten."
invalid_subcommand: "Ungültiger Unterbefehl."
tps_bar_disabled: "TPS-Leiste deaktiviert."
tps_bar_activated: "TPS-Leiste aktiviert."
claimshop_disabled: "Das Beanspruchen von Shops ist derzeit deaktiviert."
specify_shop_name: "Bitte gib einen Namen für deinen Shop an:"
max_shops_reached: "Du hast bereits die maximale Anzahl an beanspruchten Shops erreicht."
second_shop_unavailable: "Der zweite Shop kann derzeit nicht beansprucht werden."
shop_claimed: "Du hast {diamonds} Diamanten verwendet, um den Shop '{shopName}' zu beanspruchen."
not_enough_diamonds: "Du hast nicht genug Diamanten, um einen Shop zu beanspruchen (Erforderlich: {requiredDiamonds} Diamanten). Du hast nur {diamondsInInventory} Diamanten in deinem Inventar."
config_reloaded: "Konfiguration von SMPAddons neu geladen."
no_permission: "Du hast keine Berechtigung, diesen Befehl auszuführen."
plugin_version: "Version: {version}"
plugin_description: "SMPAddons ist ein einfaches und anpassbares Plugin, das Funktionen zu deinem Survival Multiplayer (SMP) Server hinzufügt. Es hilft dir, das Spielerlebnis insgesamt zu verbessern."
plugin_author: "Autor: Blaxk_"
days: "Tage"
hours: "Stunden"
minutes: "Minuten"
seconds: "Sekunden"