ArchivedTgc-System is a relative small plugin to do some things I don't want an extra plugins for, including utilities.
Tgc-System has been archived. Tgc-System will not receive any further updates unless the author decides to unarchive the project.
Minecraft: Java Edition
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Support creators and Modrinth ad-free with Modrinth+Links
Licensed GPL-3.0-only
Published last year
Updated 8 months ago
- Bug Reports and Feature Requests are welcome, but I maybe won't implement them!
- You can toggle most features look at the config below
- Version 1.4.2 and higher: Vanilla teams prefix/suffix is only updated while the player joins for performance reason!
- Version 1.4.1 and below: Vanilla teams can't be used at all if you use the statuses feature!
- SpawnElytra
- Statuses
- Anti Chat Reporting (by overriding the default msg and say command and sending chat messages as server)
- A reply command
- A (legacy) color codes command
- Join & quit message
- Custom join message
- Message with the current status on join
- Sound/Highlight your player name in chat
- A permission system
- A maintenance system
- A hopper sorting system
- A coordinate save system
- A team chat
- A resource pack system
- An alert/broadcast command
- A walk speed and fly speed command
- A reboot command that reboots server after a specified amount of minutes with a reason
- Time in chat messages with formatting
- A configs reload command for the plugin
- Block commands & prefixes
#Do not edit or things might break!
version: 1.6
pluginPrefix: '§7[§1System§7] §f'
alertPrefix: '§7[§4Alert§7] §f'
teamChatPrefix: '§7[§4TeamChat§7] §r'
teamChatPrefixInChat: '#'
#You can use color codes and "%Player%" will be replaced with the player name
enabled: true
joinMessage: "§2[§a+§2] §7%Player%"
quitMessage: "§4[§c-§4] §7%Player%"
enabled: false
#Here you also can use color codes, %prefix% will be replaced with the plugins prefix and
#%alertPrefix% will be replaced with the alert Prefix
message: "%prefix%Edit in /plugins/Tgc-System/config.yml"
#If a player joins and has a status set he will be shown a message with the players status
status: false
#This makes chat reporting impossible my overriding the msg command and sending all chat messages as the server
#But also includes features like a sound/highlighting when your name is in a message
enabled: true
noLinks: false
#Configure if the Timestamp should be displayed in the chat (only for player messages)
enabled: false
format: 'HH:mm'
timeZone: 'America/New_York'
#The permission manager command and the permission handling
enabled: true
#Set a status in front of your name
#This uses teams for the tab list so if you have another plugin
#for that you can't use this
enabled: false
characterLimit: 10
enabled: false
spawnRadius: 20
worldName: world
enabled: true
multiplyValue: 2
#Set a resource pack for the server but if you use this players with the tgc-system.team permission
#don't get the resource pack event if it is forced, and they can enable it in game with /resourcepack
url: ''
hash: ''
promt: ''
force: false
#The time after which the player gets kicked if he hasn't loaded the pack in seconds (force must be true for this)
maxLoadTime: 10
#You can create multiple motds and everytime someone loads/refreshes his multiplayer menu that player will see a random motd
#Use \n for the second line
enabled: false
#This means that the real motd will only be show to ip addresses that players one the servers have
#So if someone random has the ip the default "A Minecraft Server" Motd will be shown and the max player
#count will be 20 so it is harder to find the server with a scanner
hiddenMode: false
list: []
motd: "§cServer is in Maintenance"
kickMessage: "This server is now in maintenance mode"
#You can add a 64x64 png file to the Plugin directory and that will be set as you maintenance icon
#Must be called maintenance-icon.png
icon: false
#This makes to so if you right-click on wheat, potatoes, carrots, beetroots and cocoa beans
enabled: false
#Checks for new updates with the modrinth api
console: true
#These commands are blocked e.g. plugins
blockedCommands: []
#These prefixes are blocked e.g. 'bukkit:'
blockedPrefixes: []
#Do not edit or things might break!
version: 1.6
pluginPrefix: '§7[§1System§7] §f'
alertPrefix: '§7[§4Alert§7] §f'
teamChatPrefix: '§7[§4TeamChat§7] §r'
teamChatPrefixInChat: '#'
#You can use color codes and "%Player%" will be replaced with the player name
enabled: true
joinMessage: "§2[§a+§2] §7%Player%"
quitMessage: "§4[§c-§4] §7%Player%"
enabled: false
#Here you also can use color codes, %prefix% will be replaced with the plugins prefix and
#%alertPrefix% will be replaced with the alert Prefix
message: "%prefix%Edit in /plugins/Tgc-System/config.yml"
#If a player joins and has a status set he will be shown a message with the players status
status: true
#This makes chat reporting impossible my overriding the msg command and sending all chat messages as the server
#But also includes features like a sound/highlighting when your name is in a message
enabled: true
noLinks: true
#Configure if the Timestamp should be displayed in the chat (only for player messages)
enabled: false
format: 'HH:mm'
timeZone: 'America/New_York'
#The permission manager command and the permission handling
enabled: true
#Set a status in front of your name
#This uses teams for the tab list so if you have another plugin
#for that you can't use this
enabled: true
characterLimit: 15
enabled: true
spawnRadius: 20
worldName: world
enabled: true
multiplyValue: 3
#Set a resource pack for the server but if you use this players with the tgc-system.team permission
#don't get the resource pack event if it is forced, and they can enable it in game with /resourcepack
url: ''
hash: ''
promt: ''
force: false
#The time after which the player gets kicked if he hasn't loaded the pack in seconds (force must be true for this)
maxLoadTime: 10
#You can create multiple motds and everytime someone loads/refreshes his multiplayer menu that player will see a random motd
#Use \n for the second line
enabled: true
#This means that the real motd will only be show to ip addresses that players one the servers have
#So if someone random has the ip the default "A Minecraft Server" Motd will be shown and the max player
#count will be 20 so it is harder to find the server with a scanner
hiddenMode: true
list: ["Example1 1. Line\nExample1 2. Line", "Example2 1. Line\nExample2 2. Line"]
motd: "§cServer is in Maintenance"
kickMessage: "This server is now in maintenance mode"
#You can add a 64x64 png file to the Plugin directory and that will be set as you maintenance icon
icon: true
#Auto save your world if your hoster doesn't have that functionality
enabled: true
time: '1h'
#This makes to so if you right-click on wheat, potatoes, carrots, beetroots and cocoa beans
enabled: true
#Checks for new updates with the modrinth api
console: true
#These commands are blocked e.g. plugins
#Do 'blockedCommands: []' if it should be empty
- '?'
- 'about'
- 'help'
- 'icanhasbukkit'
- 'pl'
- 'plugins'
- 'ver'
- 'version'
#These prefixes are blocked e.g. 'bukkit:'
#Do 'blockedPrefix: []' if it should be empty
- 'bukkit:'
- 'minecraft:'
- 'tgc-system:'
- CommandAPI (MIT License)