- Fixed typo in setrandomplaceholder and resetrandomplaceholder command.
- Added 2 API events: ItemPreTransactionEvent, ItemFinshTransactionEvent.
- Recoded ItemFormat sell method and fixed some issues related to this feature.
- Added open-once option support for open-actions33333333
- Updated language files.
- Added support for customizing config keys of conditions for various single things. You can set them to the same value to avoid setting conditions for both products and prices at the same time.
- Item Format update: Fixed the issue where enchanted glow was parsed as a hide tool tip in some cases.
- Item Format update: Fixed some item format value do not correctly parsed.
- Added support for auto refresh use times or random placeholder if refresh time reached in some case.
- If we can not auto refresh, we will print "never" message to the next placeholder.
- Updated default config.
- Improved Folia support.
- Added placeholder.auto-settings.add-discount-in-all-price-amount.black-shops option in config.yml file.
- Updated default product configs which uses v3 new condition format in sell-limits-conditions.
- Added placeholder support in reset-time option.
- Fixed buy times or sell times get reset when use /shop reload or server restart if using MySQL database.
- Added Nexo item support.
- Fixed ANY and CLASSIC_ANY price mode do not display price if picked price player don't have enough money or item.
- Improved buy/sell times feature.
- Improved MySQL dababase performance.
- Improved cache manager codes.
- Fixed the issue where vanilla items always have a space at the end of their names.