Minecraft: Java Edition
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Security Features
This helps to prevent any sensitive or inappropriate words from your chat to help keep it clean.
It has the ability to customize words (BlackList / WhiteList).
This prevents players from repeating the same words or letters over and over again.
It will block any type of IPs or URLs from the player.
This helps to prevent the player from sending large uppercased messages in the chat!
Detection Messages!
If anyone triggers one of the security settings, you will be alerted, and they will be alerted as well.
DetectedMessage: "&c%player_name%'s message got detected by the following flags &e[%flags%] \n----------> &6%message%" # Change how the detection message is sent
DetectedPlayerMessage: "&cYou have been detected by the following flags &e[%flags%]" # Changes how the message is sent to the player (set it to "" if you don't want to send it)
Switch Messages (For Proxies)
This will notify everyone in the server or the previous and current server when a player switches from one server to another!
# This switch message is only available for both BungeeCord & Velocity
enabled: true
global: true # false is just the current server & previous server / true all the servers
premessage: "&a%player_name% &ehas switched from &6%previous_server% &eto &f%current_server%"
comessage: "&a%player_name% &ehas arrived from &6%previous_server%"
SpamMessage: "&cYour message is blocked by the &eAnti-Spam\n&7Remaining time: %duration% seconds" # Changes how the anti-spam message is sent (set it to "" if you don't want to send it)
ChatClearMessage: "&eThe Chat has been cleared by &a%sender%" # Changes how the cleared chat message gets sent
NoPermissionMessage: "&eYou're not allowed to use this command!"
Utilities Features!
This feature enhances WorldChatter's placeholders by allowing customization of player and place names using two new placeholders: {player_name}
and {player_place}
enabled: true
world: "&aOverworld&r"
OmarOmar93: "<gradient>OmarOmar93</gradient> &o&eTest Omar Yes"
Chat Locking
This allows staff or console to lock or unlock the chat using wc lock
enabled: true
public: true # TRUE | Shows the message to everyone or FALSE | just the sender
locked: "&eThe Chat is now &cLOCKED &eby &a%sender%"
unlocked: "&eThe Chat is now &aUNLOCKED &eby &a%sender%"
currently: "&eThe Chat is Currently &clocked"
Clear Chat!
Clear the chat with wc clear
Custom Join and Quit Messages!
Customize join and quit messages with special permissions for certain players.
enabled: true
level: 1 # 1 is just current place / 2 the whole server
place: "world" # place to send the message
message: "&a%player_name% &fhas joined the game!"
permmode: true # Checks to use the permissions mode to send messages / disabled will use default message
permissions: [ "worldchatter.control", "*" ]
message: "&a%player_name% &fhas joined the game\n<click:run_command:/tp %player_name%><hover:show_text:'&aClick to teleport to %player_name%'>&e[Teleport to %player_name%]</click>"
enabled: true
level: 1 # 1 is just current place / 2 the whole server
place: "world" # place to send the message - type %place% to make it the last player's place
message: "&a%player_name% &fhas left the game!"
permmode: false # Checks to use the permissions below to show a different message or no!
permissions: [ "worldchatter.control", "*" ]
message: "&a%player_name% &fhas left the game &8You have nothing to do to that player :P"
Customize notification sounds for detections.
enabled: true
staff: # notification detection for staff
sound: "BLOCK_NOTE_BLOCK_PLING" # the sound to play as the notification you can find it here by
volume: 1 # volume of the sound
pitch: 1 # pitch of the sound
player: # notification detection to the player
volume: 1
pitch: 1
Introducing the new Channels Feature! Add Places or Players or both if you would like! Into each other and priortize them from top to bottom according to the importance of each channel!
GlobalSending: true
- "OmarOmar93"
- "HoneySalted"
- "Notch"
- "World"
- "Lobby"
- "world"
- "world_nether"
- "world_the_end"
Debug Mode - (Implemented in Channels only Currently)
The New Debug mode is what prints out more information about WorldChatter! like, Warnings, Errors and infos for each action happening inside the plugin!
enabled: true
info: "&7[&9WorldChatter Debugger &r| Info&7]&r "
warning: "&7[&9WorldChatter Debugger &r| &eWarning&7]&e "
error: "&7[&9WorldChatter Debugger &r| &4Error&7]&4 "
Learn more about the API and its capabilities by Clicking here!
If you'd like to support the development of WorldChatter and other projects, consider donating!
Buy me a Coffee!
Don't get confused; yes, it is @AbdelazizHasaneen.
Other Projects!
Standalone Broadcast Add-on
Supported Plugins!
- PlaceholderAPI
- Multiverse-Core
- ItemsAdder (With PlaceholderAPI)
- Luckperms
- And other plug-ins that have PlaceholderAPI's placeholder!
Massive thank you to:
- Abdelaziz189356 - For the help with 2.0, 2.1, and 3.0 being possible, 3.0 Tester!
- yousife_7aloly - The tester for 2.0!
- FastEverlast - The Tester for 2.4!
- Fabrizio Santana, 4zy - 3.0 Testers
There are lots of additional features to explore!
Thank you for taking the time to read this and use the plugin!