- Add a garbage bin whitelist type function(NoClearContainerType), where the types in the list will not be processed by the plugin. It is better to use the garbage bin whitelist Lore function (NoClearContainerLore)!
- The wtc look command can view the types of items in the main hand, making it convenient to fill in the whitelist type list
2023/11/10 - 1.0.1
- Plugin release.
- Players can create a single home trash bin.
2023/11/14 - 1.3.0
- Players can set up multiple home trash bins.
- GUI added for individual home item blacklists.
- Introduction of public trash bins.
2023/11/16 - 2.0.0
- GUI added for item blacklists for all homes.
- Transformation of sign font upon creation.
- Inclusion of numerous configurable regions.
2023/11/22 - 2.2.1
- Support for Simplified Chinese, Traditional Chinese, and English—manually translated by the author.
- Code optimization and item detection methods improvement.
- Automatic removal of trash bins from data if dismantled in any way.
2023/11/23 - 2.2.3
- Basic permission check for adding items to the blacklist GUI (3-second placement/destruction restriction).
- 2023/11/27 - 2.4.0
- Performance optimization, including special arrow cleaning functionality.
2023/11/28 - 2.5.0
- Performance optimization, introducing the prevention of players trampling farmland.
- Default entity limits for homes.
2023/11/29 - 3.0.0
- Expanded functionality beyond item cleaning to include entity cleanup.
- Support for blacklists, whitelists, and cleaning of modded weapon stands and ground items.
- Language files for full localization (Chinese/English/Traditional Chinese).
- Adaptation for servers using similar plugins to load maps only when players join.
- 2023/11/29 - 3.0.2
- Added a switch for world entity limit.
2023/11/30 - 3.0.5
- Introduced dense entity cleanup.
- Optimized detection code for entity limit functionality.
2023/11/30 - 3.1.0
- Configuration options for dense entity cleanup quantity, types, and detection range.
- Bug fix for entity limit types not taking effect.
2023/12/4 - 3.2.0
- Added exclude lore configuration option to prevent certain items from being processed.
2023/12/4 - 3.3.0
- Countdown for cleanup now includes ActionBar notification options and default chat box notification options.
2023/12/5 - 3.5.0
- Added anti-spam and command limit system.
- Configurable chat and command intervals, whitelist commands, and notification messages.
2023/12/7 - 3.6.0
- Introduced public trash bin cleanup functionality.
2023/12/7 - 3.7.3
- /WorldListTrashCan command abbreviated to /wtc.
- Added item drop prevention system.
- Optimized code by unregistering listeners for features not enabled.
- Added permission (WorldListTrashCan.DropMode) and new command (/WorldListTrashCan DropMode) to control item drop prevention.
2023/12/10 - 3.7.5
- Special compatibility for banner ends, fixing a bug where creating a trash bin on banners didn't change the font (reported by a group member).
2023/12/14 - 3.9.0
- Unified countdown notifications for all cleanup methods.
- Support for notifying players via Title.
2023/12/19 - 3.9.5
- Logic for cleaning public trash bins supports cleaning after a certain number of sweeps.
- Added notifications for how many sweeps are needed and when cleaning is complete.
- Introduced %ItemSum% and %EntitySum% variables to inform players about the number of items added to public trash bins and the number of entities cleaned.
- Code optimization for streamlined execution.
2023/12/21 - 4.0.0
- Folia server support!
- Asynchronous sweeping for Folia servers.
2023/12/21 - 4.0.1
- Bug fix for partial Folia support.
- Full support for Folia across all features.
2024/1/2 - 4.1.0
- Fix bug where entity cleaning does not work
2024/1/3 - 4.1.5
- Fix Some 1.12.2 Paper Server Plugin Enable BUG
2024/1/6 - 4.2.5
- Fix some clear message bug
2024/1/7 - 4.3.5
- Fix bug where EntityMoveEvent cannot be used on non paper sever, resulting in inability to clean dense entities
2024/1/12 - 4.4.0
- Fix error recognition issues in language files
2024/1/18 - 4.5.0
- Prevent item deletion system
- (Can be configured when you accidentally drop valuable items onto magma or cacti)
- (Enter the command/wtc playertrash to retrieve the deleted item and configure the retrieval price)
- (The system is equipped with three modes)
- Mode 1: This type of item will be directly placed in the public trash can
- Mode 2: This type of item will be placed in a personal trash can opened with instructions (configurable to retrieve price [requires Vault and its economy plugin])
- Mode 3: Do not handle this type of item (To prevent unexpected lag, how many seconds can items be configured not to be processed by the system?)
2024/1/24 - 4.5.5
- Add an option to check if items have been dropped during dense entity cleaning
2024/2/8 - 4.6.1
- Fix "dropped during dense entity cleaning" option cannot be used on paper core (bug)