Hotfix 1.11.1
- Removed unused Goat texture
- Fixed sunglasses on basic Panda texture
Hotfix 1.11.1
- Removed unused Goat texture
- Actually added Panda textures
Update 1.11
1.21.5 Additions
- Added Leaf particle textures
- Added Pig, Cow, and Chicken variant textures
- Updated Sheep textures to match new models
- Added Wildflower, Bush, Firefly Bush, Leaf Litter, Cactus Flower, and Dry Grass textures
- Added Test Block textures
- Added Blue Egg and Brown Egg textures; updated old Egg texture for consistency
- Added Firefly particles
- Fixed outdated color palette on Dark Oak Planks
- Updated Birch leaves to use Tintindex, rather than a static texture, allowing for biome-blending with the Autumn Forest addon
- Added 1x1 painting "Kebab" (study of Denman Waldo Ross' "Peonies," 1919)
- Added 3x3 painting "Tides" (study of Eugène Boudin's "Beaulieu: The Bay of Fourmis," 1892)
- Added 4x4 painting "Pigscene" (study of Albert Bierstadt's "Sunrise on the Matterhorn," 1875)
- Added 4x4 painting "Unpacked" (study of original pack.png image)
- Added 4x4 painting "Pointer," (study of Caspar David Friedrich's "Winterlandschaft mitt Kirche", ca. 1811)
- Added Christmas Chest textures
- Added Jigsaw and Structure Block textures
- Added Dormant Creaking Heart textures
- Tweaked 4x3 painting "Donkey_Kong" to better match newer painting's AA style
- Fixed incorrectly colored pixel on double Chests
- Added Camel textures
- Added Goat texture
- Added Panda textures
- Added Cat textures
- Added Illusioner texture
- Added Pufferfish textures
- Added Tropical Fish textures
- Added Zombie Horse textures
- Tweaked Chicken textures
- Fixed Spider Eyes not providing proper glowing textures
- Fixed out-of-place pixel on all Horse saddles
- Fixed missing Mason Villager and Zombie Villager textures
- Added Bee Stinger texture
- Fixed misspelled field in pack.mcmeta
- Fixed broken Polytone compatibility
- Added Drip particle textures
- Added Spark particle textures
- Added Unknown Server texture
- Added Light textures
- Added End Sky texture
Update 1.11
- Fixed outdated color palette on Dark Oak Planks
- Updated Birch leaves to use Tintindex, rather than a static texture, allowing for biome-blending with the Autumn Forest addon
- Added 1x1 painting "Kebab" (study of Denman Waldo Ross' "Peonies," 1919)
- Added 3x3 painting "Tides" (study of Eugène Boudin's "Beaulieu: The Bay of Fourmis," 1892)
- Added 4x4 painting "Pigscene" (study of Albert Bierstadt's "Sunrise on the Matterhorn," 1875)
- Added 4x4 painting "Unpacked" (study of original pack.png image)
- Added 4x4 painting "Pointer," (study of Caspar David Friedrich's "Winterlandschaft mitt Kirche", ca. 1811)
- Added Christmas Chest textures
- Added Jigsaw and Structure Block textures
- Tweaked 4x3 painting "Donkey_Kong" to better match newer painting's AA style
- Fixed incorrectly colored pixel on double Chests
- Added Camel textures
- Added Goat texture
- Added Panda textures
- Added Cat textures
- Added Illusioner texture
- Added Pufferfish textures
- Added Tropical Fish textures
- Added Zombie Horse textures
- Tweaked Chicken textures
- Fixed Spider Eyes not providing proper glowing textures
- Fixed out-of-place pixel on all Horse saddles
- Fixed missing Mason Villager and Zombie Villager textures
- Added Bee Stinger texture
- Fixed misspelled field in pack.mcmeta
- Fixed broken Polytone compatibility
- Added Drip particle textures
- Added Spark particle textures
- Added Unknown Server texture
- Added Light textures
- Added End Sky texture
- Fixed bug causing Polytone to fail to reload the pack
- Fixed bug causing Polytone to fail to reload the pack
- (Skipped 1.20.1 v1.10.1 and v1.10.2 for parity with 1.21.4 pack)
Hotfix 1.10.2
- Fixed Broken Elytra using Vanilla's texture in 1.21.4
Hotfix 1.10.1
- Fixed missing Pale Oak Sign and Pale Oak Hanging Sign textures
Update 1.10
- Optimized Ladder, Rail, Detector Rail, Powered Rail, Activator Rail, Soul Lantern, Tripwire Hook, Glow Lichen, and Sculk Vein models
- Added 3x3 painting "Bouquet" (study of a fragment of a tapestry or wall hanging, Upper Rhenish, c.1420)
- Added all 1.21.4 Pale Garden blocks
- New Ghast Tear texture
- New Dye textures
- Added stack size-based textures to Arrows, Spectral Arrows, and Tipped Arrows
- Added Resin Clump and Resin Brick textures
- Added Llama textures
- Added Polar Bear textures
- Added Creaking textures
- Updated Magma Cube model UV to match 1.21.4 version
- Fixed broken Arrow, Spectral Arrow, and Tipped Arrow models
- Tweaked Shadow texture
- Added Resin armor trim palette
- Updated equipment and GUI file structure to match 1.21.4
- Added Pale Boat and Chest Boat textures
Update 1.10
- Optimized Ladder, Rail, Detector Rail, Powered Rail, Activator Rail, Soul Lantern, Tripwire Hook, Glow Lichen, and Sculk Vein models
- New Ghast Tear texture
- New Dye textures
- Added Llama textures
- Added Polar Bear textures
- Fixed broken Arrow, Spectral Arrow, and Tipped Arrow models
- Tweaked Shadow texture
Hotfix 1.9.2 (MC1.21)
- Fixed stray pixel on Relic Music Disc
- Fixed missing Smithing Table GUI
Hotfix 1.9.2 (MC1.20.1)
- Fixed stray pixel on Relic Music Disc
Hotfix v1.9.1 (1.21.3)
- Fixed potential crash when using Optifine
- Fixed Armor, Horse Armor, Wolf Armor, and Elytra using Vanilla textures in 1.21.3
Hotfix v1.9.1 (1.20.1)
- Fixed potential crash when using Optifine
Update 1.9
Updated to cover all versions since 1.20.2. Barring unforeseen changes to Resource Packs, all future updates will work this way.
- New Stonecutter textures
- Added 2x1 painting "Creebet" (study of Camille Corot's "View of Lormes," 1840)
- Added 1x1 painting "Meditative" (study of Carl Rottmann's "Landscape," 1835)
- Added 4x2 painting "Fighters" (study of the Neo-Babylonian "Panel with striding lion," c.604-562 B.C., looted from the Ishtar Gate, modern-day Iraq; now housed in Metropolitan Museum of Art).
- Added 1x1 painting "de_aztec" (study of William Merritt Chase's "Still Life: Fish," 1908)
- Added 3x4 painting "Backyard" (study of Carl Gustav Carus' "Gothic windows in the ruins of the monastery at Oybin," 1828)
- Added 3x3 painting "Cavebird" (study of Jean Frederic Bazille's "Porte de la raine at aigues mortes," 1867)
- Added 4x2 painting "Changing" (study of Ivan Shishkin's "Rye," 1878)
- Added 1x1 painting "aztec2" (study of Prins Eugen's "Molnet," 1927)
- Added 4x2 painting "Lowmist" (study of Arnold Böcklin's "Die Toteninsel," Third Version, 1883)
- Updated Redstone Comparator and Repeater textures
- Fixed Glass still using Legacy Glass (barred glass) textures
- Fixed broken Soul Sand overlays
- Fixed Beds using incorrect wood palette
- Added Field Masoned and Bordure Indented Banner Pattern items
- Added Dyed and Open Bundle textures
- Tweaked Yellow and Light Blue dye textures
- Fixed Glass Bottles still using outdated texture
- Tweaked Feather texture
- New Enchanted Book texture
- New Chain texture
- New Totem of Undying texture
- Tweaked Experience Bottle texture
- New Diamond Chestplate texture
- Tweaked Chainmail, Iron, Gold, and Netherite Chestplate textures
- Added Piglin textures
- Added Piglin Brute textures
- Added Zombified Piglin texture
- Added Hoglin texture
- Added Zombified Hoglin texture
- Tweaked Ghast texture
- Fixed missing pixel on Pig Saddle texture
- Added Tooltip textures
- Added Slot Selection textures
- Fixed misordered Moon textures
- Added native Modmenu and Entity Model Features UI support
Update 1.9
- New Stonecutter textures
- Added 2x1 painting "Creebet" (study of Camille Corot's "View of Lormes," 1840)
- Added 4x2 painting "Fighters" (study of the Neo-Babylonian "Panel with striding lion," c.604-562 B.C., looted from the Ishtar Gate, modern-day Iraq; now housed in Metropolitan Museum of Art).
- Added 1x1 painting "de_aztec" (study of William Merritt Chase's "Still Life: Fish," 1908)
- Added 1x1 painting "aztec2" (Prins Eugen's "Molnet," 1927)
- Updated Redstone Comparator and Repeater textures
- Fixed Glass still using Legacy Glass (barred glass) textures
- Fixed broken Soul Sand overlays
- Fixed Beds using incorrect wood palette
- Tweaked Yellow and Light Blue dye textures
- Fixed Glass Bottles still using outdated texture
- Tweaked Feather texture
- New Enchanted Book texture
- New Chain texture
- New Totem of Undying texture
- Tweaked Experience Bottle texture
- New Diamond Chestplate texture
- Tweaked Chainmail, Iron, Gold, and Netherite Chestplate textures
- Added Piglin textures
- Added Piglin Brute textures
- Added Zombified Piglin texture
- Added Hoglin texture
- Added Zombified Hoglin texture
- Tweaked Ghast texture
- Fixed missing pixel on Pig Saddle texture
- Fixed misordered Moon Phase textures
- Added native Modmenu and Entity Model Features UI support
Hotfix 1.8.3
- Fixed missing textures on open Mangrove, Crimson, and Warped Fence Gates (again)