Update contains:
New Blocks
- Bark Mulch (podzol[snowy=true])
- Black Gravel (mycelium[snowy=true])
- Tiled Stone Bricks (stone_bricks_slab[type=double])
- Mossy Tiled Stone Bricks (mossy_stone_bricke[type=double])
- Vertical Cherry Planks (cherry_plank_slab[type=double])
- Gold Trapdoor (bamboo_trapdoor[powered=true])
- Gold Fence Gates (bamboo_fence_gate[powered=true])
- Hanging Ropes (weeping_vines)
- Laying Ropes (powered_rails)
- Laying Metal Ropes (powered_rails[powered=true]
New Retextured Vanilla Variants
- Top/Bottom/No Shelve Drawers (Loom sides except front)
- Top&Bottom Shelve Drawers (Crafting table sides)
- Empty Shelves (chiseled_bookshelves[type=empty])
- Variated Bookshelves
- Unlit Torch stick (redstone_torch[powered=false])
- Variated Lilly Pads
Redesigned and Improved Blocks/Flowers
- Some stained glass variants
- Variated Stone pettals (gray_candle[type=two_candles])
- Brown Mushrooms (var. rotation)
- Red Mushrooms (var. rotation)
- Variated Bamboo Saplings
- Clovers (var. rotation, dead_bubble_coral_fan)
- Waterlogged Clovers (var. rotation, dead_bubble_coral_fan[waterlogged_true])
- Wall "Clover/Leafs" (dead_bubble_coral_fan)
- Cattails (dead_brain_coral)
- Dandelion
- Tulips
- Blue Orchid
- Sunflower
- Oak Bush (oak sapling)
- Dead Bush
- Cherry Bonsai Tree (cherry_sapling)
Several Vanilla Dead Corals have returned!
Special Info * = unsure of the name