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The first time I looked at the new crafter I thought "it looks like a box". I don't know why, but now here it is with some other redstone stuff, and looking at it now it doesn't look like a box.

This is a beta, I still need to add 7 more blocks. I have nothing more to say, definitely it's unusable in big redstone world, unless you want to fry your PC (only the piston has like 5/6 more blocks in his model). But i made it not super detailed by using some special tricks while keeping a vanilla style.

All the blocks have images with all their blockstates in the gallery, but some textures are old because im lazy and i don't want to redo them.

Also you should use optifine to see the real color of the redstone (now white-yellowish), otherwise it's just a clean redstone stripe, or you could use Vanadium, that for now is in 1.20.2. Works great with everything but sodium with quilt for some reason, sodium with fabric works

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