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This pack is a continuation of Doku's RPG, a texture pack by Doku, it was the initial inspiration for Gerudoku and several other remix packs, Doku's RPG was discontinued in 2010.

in 2014 Handsome_Dan started a continuation project called Doku RPG: Faithful Continuation, it had a few items and new blocks, but was discontinued in 2015 due to lack of time, most of Doku RPG: Faithful Continuation is used within this pack.

the original plan for this continuation was to avoid using anything made for Gerudoku and parts of Dokucraft, however I realized that I would never finish the pack if I didn't use a few parts from them, the original version of Doku's RPG didn't have items or mobs and the task of making nearly 14 years worth of textures all at once was a little too daunting, so I've tried to use as few as possible while updating the pack through each version of minecraft and trying to maintain a consistent style.

Links and Other Information

I recommend Optifine for full functionality of the pack.

For Fabric I'd recommend the Fabulously Optimized modpack for ease of use, or for a list of Optifine alternatives

Some things will be broken without optifine or alternatives,


Fabulously Optimized

Optikai for snapshots and pre releases


Doku, Handsome_Dan, SOM3GUY, Tyken132, Jademalo, Lilyo, Coagulated, Runesmith, Krayloon, Jzus,TDWP_FTW/Forstride, DrZhark, Executive_Hamster, Bloody_Toast, Vamediah, History, Hozz, Richasackboy/Teknician, GameslayerX2, DooDooRoonys, Velimas,

Specific Credits in zip file.

All Dokucraft textures included within this pack were made by Doku for Dokucraft 1.0 to 2.5 between March 2011 and July 2011.

External resources

Project members



Technical information

Project ID