Geopack 1.9 Changelog
Hello everyone! The usual cycle begins again: a new Minecraft update, a new Geopack update! This update adds the new resin blocks, as well as redoing crucial environmental elements like topsoils, stone, and clouds. Various other texture overhauls are also present, like crops and villager-related textures. It's not as big as the last one (considering it doesn't sift through 3 Minecraft updates' worth of content), but likely just as impactful.
- Resin blocks and items
- Trial chamber music discs
- Stone & smooth stone
- Deepslate & reinforced deepslate
- Grass and it's relatives (dirt path, podzol, mycelium, nyliums)
- Villager & zombie villager types, professions, & profession badges
- Moss & pale moss
- All crops (beetroots, carrots, potatoes, nether wart, wheat)
- Cobblestone & cobbled deepslate
- Endstone & end portals
- Clouds
- Snow
- Azaleas & lush block flowers
- Iron ore
- Deepslate bricks
- Furnace, smoker, & blast furnace
- Observer
- Stonecutter
- Armor formats now match the new format
- Incorrect deepslate bottom orientation
Geopack 1.9 Changelog
Hello, everybody. I know I completely skipped Armored Paws and more crucially Tricky Trials, but I'm not gonna miss the bundle update goshdarnit. This update brings all the new features from recent updates, as well as a changing almost all mobs to fix shading inconsistencies (you won't notice it but I kinda had to fix it, alright?), changing tthe panorama to something that will remain consistent throughout future updates, and some prominent textures such as all potion effect icons, gem blocks, and coral. The Winter Drop textures have also all been made in advance.
- Vaults
- Ominous trial spawners and vaults
- Trial keys and ominous trial keys
- Breeze and breeze rods
- Wind charges
- Heavy core
- Mace
- Bogged
- Armadillos and armadillo scutes
- Wolf armor
- All new variants of wolves
- Bundle colors + UI textures
- Pale oak and all of its variants (planks, log, stripped log (based on Java texture) door & trapdoor, signs, hanging signs (based on Bedrock texture, which matches the Java stripped log), and boats & chest boats
- Pale moss and its variants (carpet, hanging)
- Pale oak leaves
- The creaking
- Creaking hearts
- Hotbar bubble background
- Shading tweaks on most mobs, for consistency and various fixes. This includes:
- Axolotls
- All beds
- Bees
- Blazes
- Camels
- All cats
- Cows
- Chickens
- Dolphins
- Endermen
- Endermites
- Evokers
- Foxes
- Frogs
- Goats
- Hoglins & zoglins
- Horses, donkeys, & mules
- Illusioners
- Iron golems
- All llamas
- Minecarts
- All pandas
- All parrots
- Pigs
- Piglins & zombified piglins
- Pillagers
- Most default player skins
- Polar bears
- Pufferfish
- All rabbits
- Ravagers
- All sheep
- Shields (now consistent with logs)
- Silverfish
- Spiders
- Snow golems
- Striders
- Villager underskins (the skins + zombie villagers will be done in the next update)
- Wandering traders
- Warden
- Witches
- Pale wolf
- Vexes
- Zombies, drowned, and husks
- The background panorama
- The credits text (Geopack credits are now below the vanilla credits rather than replacing them entirely, plus a full rewrite)
- All potion effect icons
- Iron, gold, and netherite ingots
- Skeletons, their variants, and the wither
- All forms of coral and dead coral
- Coal, copper, and redstone ore (plus their CTM)
- Diamond, emerald, gold, iron, lapis, and netherite blocks (plus their CTM)
- Buckets and all items that use it
- Bowls and all items that use it
- Shulkers and shulker boxes
- Blaze rods
- Bones
- Ghasts
- Honeycombs
- Iron bars
- Phantoms
- Regular bundle
- Kelp
- Squid and glow squid
- Turtles and turtle scutes
- Slight color change on the hotbar bubble
- Pack formatting for armor and armor trims has been updated
- Azaleas using the old moss block texture
- Map icons' format is now updated
Geopack 1.8 Changelog
Hello, everybody. Since today marks the release of 1.20, today also marks the release of (I don't even mean to be Apple but it's true) the biggest update to date for this resource pack, updating twice as many textures as the last largest. This update adds all the new content from 1.21's snapshot editions, in addition to 1.20.2's updated GUI formatting, redoing more or less every wood-based block, a much-needed update to various brick blocks, a terracotta facelift (iiit aaain't liiike thaaat anymooore!), plus some other minor changes & fixes.
- All new copper blocks
- All new tuff blocks
- The breeze & its wind particle
- The crafter
- Trial spawners & trial keys
- The new bat model's texture
- The majority of wood items, including:
- Planks
- Logs & stripped logs
- Doors & trapdoors
- Signs & hanging signs
- Doors
- Boats & chest boats (minus the chest)
- All types of rails & ladders
- Armor stands
- Banner base's poles
- Barrel
- Beehive
- Bookshelf & chiseled bookshelf
- Campfire & soul campfire
- Cartography table
- Composter
- Crafting table
- Fletching table
- Grindstone pivot
- Item frame & glow item frame items
- Lectern
- Lever
- Loom
- Mangrove roots
- Note block & jukebox
- Painting back
- Piston head
- Smithing table
- Smoker
- Stonecutter
- Torch, redstone torch, & soul torch
- Tripwire hook
- All large bricks & polished blocks, including
- Polished blackstone, blackstone bricks, & chiseled blackstone
- Polished deepslate, deepslate bricks, deepslate tiles, & chiseled deepslate
- Stone bricks & chiseled stone bricks, plus mossy stone bricks
- Polished granite, diorite, & andesite
- Do note that since the new polished blocks were not designed to be tiled without borders, the CTM for them has been removed
- New short grass, which also edits:
- Tall grass
- Crimson & warped roots
- Nether sprouts
- Glass bottle, which also edits:
- Potions, splash potions, & lingering potions
- Bottle o' Enchanting
- Honey bottle
- Dragon's breath
- Fire, which also edits:
- Campfire fire
- The on textures of the furnace, smoker, & blast furnace
- Arrow, spectral arrow, & tipped arrows
- Basalt top
- Blackstone & gilded blackstone
- Bonemeal
- Brown & red mushrooms
- Copper ingot & raw copper
- Firework star
- Flower pot item
- Hanging roots
- Music discs
- Redstone dust
- Spawner
- Terracotta
- Trident model & item
- Turtle helmet item
- More or less all GUI being broken compared to 1.20.2
- Sea pickle's item not matching the block
- Sword sweep particle having a missing frame, instead showing the vanilla frame
- Dune armor trim model just not existing
- Quartz block top using the vanilla texture
Geopack (Snapshot Addon) 23w44a Changelog
Hello, everybody, long time no see! I've been busy with basic life stuff (and lack of interest since the last update), but we're back with a new Snapshot Addon! This update adds the 1.20.1 GUI changes, all the new blocks & items in the last few snapshots, plus some new changes, mainly to wood! Currently only the planks and oak log are done, but over time the rest of the variants for each block will also be completed.
- New copper blocks (door, trapdoor, grates, chiseled, bulb)
- New tuff blocks (polished, bricks, chiseled, chiseled bricks)
- Crafter
- All 1.20.1 GUI changes (some is likely still broken, if it is it will be fixed later on)
- All planks have been redesigned (plus stripped bamboo block, since it's rotated bamboo planks)
- Grass & tall grass (other grass varieties will be updated later on)
- All mushrooms & fungi
- Trident (item & entity)
- Plant pot item
- Turtle helmet item
- Bat model & texture
- Sea pickle item (now matches the block)
Geopack 1.7 Changelog
Hello, everybody. A few days ahead of Minecraft's schedule, here is Geopack version 1.7! This update adds everything from the Trails & Tales Update not present in 1.6 (cherry grove blocks & items, armor trims, sniffer, torchflower & pitcher, archaeology, and the calibrated sculk sensor). On top of that, some other textures have been remade such as copper, flowers, the stick & tools, and more.
Due to Curseforge's declining quality (and Modrinth being faster at approving updates and easier to publish on), all new updates will be found here, and the Curseforge page will act as a version archive (of which those versions may be moved here). Planet Minecraft will still act as an alternate download, for those that use it.
- All 1.20 features not already present (cherry grove blocks & items, armor trims, sniffer, torchflower & pitcher, archaeology, and the calibrated sculk sensor)
- All flowers (now are all completely unique, spare tulips)
- Sunflower model (now uses the vanilla model)
- Grass block (adjusted contrast & brightness)
- Sticks (which also changes the fishing rod and tool handles)
- Tool heads (diamond, gold, emerald, iron, netherite, stone, and wood, including swords)
- All copper blocks
- Select particles (angry villager, damaged entity, breeding heart, lava drip, & nautilus)
- Gravel (adjusted palette slightly)
- Empty slot icons (per 1.20 change)
- Create world screen tabs being misaligned. Because of how the game generates them, they may sometimes appear offset horizontally, but the vertical offset is gone
Geopack 1.6 Changelog
Hi, everyone. Today I am pleased to announce the release of Geopack 1.6! This update adds all the new textures for the 1.20 experimental datapack, plus texture redos for things like dirt, grass, and the bucket. Enjoy!
- All 1.20 experimental datapack features (bamboo blockset, raft, chiseled bookshelf, camel, hanging signs)
- Vex redesign
- All new default player skins
- Dirt and dirt variants
- Grass block and other topsoils
- Moss
- Snow & powder snow
- All log tops
- Sandstone & cut sandstone (and their red versions)
- Clay block
- Bedrock
- Most chiseled blocks
- Piston
- Redstone lamp
- Spider eye
- Blaze
- Grindstone
- Slime ball & magma ball
- Netherite scrap
- Adjusted the mouth of zombie and variants to match steve's returning beard
- Adjusted tabs of creative inventory menu per the 1.19.3 change
- Adjusted the texture of scaffolding to match the experimental-datapack bamboo blockset
- Creative tabs being broken compared to 1.19.2
Geopack (Snapshot Addon) 22w45a Changelog
Hello, everyone. In today's Snapshot Addon, bamboo blocks, the redone vex model, and the new player skins have all been added! The changelist is below. Enjoy!
Please do note that this is an ADDON, so downloading the last full release is required.
- Bamboo block & Stripped bamboo block -New vex model -All 7 new default player skins
- The tabs for the creative inventory per a vanilla texture change
- Added the back of the camel's neck per a vanilla texture change
- Redid the bamboo sections of scaffolding per a vanilla texture change
- Adjusted the item textures for the bamboo raft and bamboo chest raft
- Bamboo ends on the rafts and fence post for parity with the bamboo block top
- Chest raft not featuring the vine wraps
Geopack (Snapshot Edition) 1.19-pre2 Changelog
It's here: the first Snapshot Addon for 1.20 has released! It includes every new texture (and texture change) introduced in this snapshot. Enjoy!
Please do note that this is an ADDON, so downloading the last full release is required.
- Bamboo planks & bamboo mosaic
- Bamboo fence & fence gate
- Bamboo door & trapdoor
- Bamboo raft & chest raft
- Bamboo sign
- All hanging signs
- Camel & camel saddle
- Chiseled bookshelf
- Adjusted chat_tags.png per its change to be less intrusive
Geopack (Snapshot Edition) 1.19-pre2 Changelog
Sorry that it took this long, but the panorama has finally been updated! It uses the official seed and coordinates, provided by Minecraft@Home. It also fixes a small issue with absorption half-hearts.
- Mangrove Swamp Panorama
- Absorption half-heart using improper shading
Geopack (Snapshot Edition) 1.19-pre2 Changelog
With today's Geopack update, I would like to talk about a few things. First, the death of Technoblade, one of my inspirations, has impacted myself and many. My condolences go to his family and his community. To give my respects, I have added an easter egg in the unused parts of the pig texture. Second, the 1.19.1 update (also known as 1.19.84) is quite the update due to its chat moderation system, and people are mad. Either way, it's here, so the textures related to it have been added in this version. If you wish to continue to play on 1.19 or 1.18, the pack will continue to work on those versions until if something fundamental happens with how resource packs are organized internally. Anyways, without further ado, here's the changelog!
- Chat report button & text safety indicator icons
- All armors
- Hotbar icons
- Creeper
- Compass and recovery compass
- Clock
- All potion overlays
- Netherite tools & armors' color palette
- Egg, turtle egg, and spawn egg
- Prismarine & prismarine bricks
- Diamond & emerald items
- Apple & golden apple
- Potato & all associated items
- Beef & steak
- Beetroot
- Blaze powder & rod
- Bundle, cactus
- All candle items
- Carrot item and other associated items
- Coal & charcoal
- Chicken & raw chicken
- Chorus fruit & popped chorus fruit
- Cocoa beans
- Dragon breath
- Mutton & cooked mutton
- Cooked porkchop
- Rabbit & cooked rabbit
- Cookie, copper ingot
- Experience bottle
- Feather
- Flint & flint & steel
- Flower pot (block and item)
- Honey bottle
- Melon item & glistering melon
- All seeds & nether wart
- Phantom membrane
- Enchanting table not using current obsidian (plus a redo for the rest)
- Hotbar having wrong corner pixels, iron trapdoor holes being too large
- Lantern & soul lantern non-hanging forms having incomplete hooks
- Magma cube not using current netherrack, smoker not using current cobblestone
- Stats icons and tutorial widgets not using current textures