This is a huge resource pack update, second only to the resource pack release. A huge number of things have been changed and improved, for example: new textures for batteries, new textures for raw ores, a bunch of bugs have been fixed, a texture for the hazard suit has also been added, and that's not all! This update is definitely worth installing! Good luck in the game!
I've finally released my textures for Gregtech on 1.7.10! This is only a beta version, and there are some amount things that still need to be completed, but you can already play. Also, the GUI in 32x32 will only be in the GT New Horizons modpack because it contains the same texture system for the GUI as in Gregtech 1.12.2 and 1.20.1. While other Gregtech modpacks have an old texture system for the GUI, so it takes a lot of time to make textures for it (I'm not sure if I will do this).
These textures are ready to be played, but some of the textures will be 16x16 (not many), and rarely there may be visual bugs here. In the future (someday), I plan to refine these textures. Good luck!
Mixer textures have been improved, and battery textures have been improved (I really like the new battery texture)
This version of the resource pack has many improvements and changes, for example, here, unlike the version for 1.20.1, some multi-block mechanisms have great animation when working, and many textures that are not yet ready in the version of the resource pack for 1.20.1 are already ready here Also, the weight of the resource pack has become significantly smaller, because I compressed the textures without losing quality An update to the resource pack for 1.20.1 will also be released soon; there will be many improvements that are already in this version of the resource pack.
And in order for you to have the correct colors of mechanisms, I advise you open the game directory, go to this path .minecraft\config\gregtech open the file "gregtech.cfg" and there in the item "The default color to overlay onto machines", and next to the inscription "defaultPaintingColor" change the number from 13819135 to 16777215, this will disable the standard filter that makes the textures for mechanisms with a blue tint, in the case of my textures, I would recommend doing this so that you see the color of the textures as I designed it. You can also optionally do the same in "The default color to overlay onto Machine (and other) UIs.", then the Gregtech mechanism interface will no longer be blue, but that's up to your taste, but I would personally disable it.
Added arrows to hatch and bus so that the input and output mechanisms are different, and it is clear what function it performs by its appearance In previous versions of the resource pack, for example, LV Input Hatch and LV Output Hatch looked exactly the same, but in this version, they are easily distinguishable in appearance