V46 06.01.2025
updated to 1.21.4 added support for item_model feature removed all files required for CMD -> OF/CIT should still work
- no port for iceandfire and nils items added sandwich
Removed Music Discs from language file replaced death Messages with german versions from SaiCode added en_us language from Sai
updated pack to 1.21
- added Ignacia Olympics 2023 Medal
V18 17.11.2023
- updated 1.20.2, compatible with 1.20 and 1.20.1
V15.1 25.10.2023
- added Shork Totem (CMD = 1 or rename Blahaj of Undying)
updated to 1.20
V2.2.4 changed zepter properties
V3.0 Updated to 1.18
V3.1 removed lang folder changed GoldenCoin to saicoin + optimization
V3.2 Pink Birch Leaves Vanilla Iron
V3.2.1 RGB Enchantment glint fixed SaiCoin
V3.2.2 Hello There
V4.0 updated to 1.19 moved Hello There + RGB Glint to Just for Fun Pack Added Warden sfx added goat horn sfx removed songs -> use simple voice chat
V4.1 moved Warden Sounds to Just for Fun Pack ported all the OF CIT Features to work with fabric CIT Resewn Zepter, Legend & Gem now available as custom model data item
V4.2 added default record sounds from main pack added en_ka lang now available with custom model data: Bier, Wein, Zar'roc, Brisingr, Longuette, all golden Weapons, Megawaffe, Drachenklinge, Fleischkäsweckle, Darksaber, Ignacia Weapons added archeron crowns, magenia crown
V4.2.1 added Starless Tools and Sword made by Shadow
V4.3 Moved all textures bigger than 64x64 to Ignacia High Res Pack moved Elderwand in lang file to High res pack changed far disc from Enemy to Bayrisch Drip (iwi ist die auf der 5 gelandet und Enemy ist noch drin)
V4.3.1 Added Waynes 1st place medal
V5.0 added atlases functionality from 1.19.3 (wenn was dumm aussieht das High Res Pack drüber packen und laden) changed ward disc from I'm coming home to Republic Clone Army March EPIC VERSION
V5.1 changed description and name
V5.2 updated to 1.19.4
V13 05.04.2023 uploaded to Modrinth