There are still more features I want to add but I'm happy enough with my progress to call this pack officially released! P.S. Sorry for the lack of changelogs. The way I work it's hard to keep track of what I have/haven't changed.
-Slime entities now have unique particle texture -Bookshelves, sandstone (normal, red, cut, and chiseled) now have connected textures (requires Optifine/Continuity mod) -Cut and chiseled sandstone blocks now have unique bottom textures -Nether brick textures have been re-aligned
-Edited cherry doors and trapdoors -Shulkers received new textures -Mangrove leaves edited -Nether wart crop models have been edited -All cross models have been edited -Tripwire and tripwire hooks have received new pixel consistent models -GUI widgets have been made darker to better match vanilla -Fence item models have been changed -Wall item models have been changed -Sandstone and red sandstone walls have been changed
I typed out all the changes but accidentally deleted it and cant recover it and I don't want to do it again so find out what I clanged on your own.
-Leaves backgrounds are no longer black when fast graphics is enables -Oak, spruce, birch, jungle, and acacia log tops have been updated -Attached melon stem updated to match pumpkin stem -Pumpkin stem updated to match melon stem -Barrel textures colors changed to match spruce planks -Beehive side textures colors changed to match beehive front texture -Concrete and concrete powder received completely new textures based off of texture update 1.0.0 sand and sandstone textures -Stained glass pane sides updated to match front textures -Colored terracotta textures updated to match terracotta texture -Bookshelf and chiseled bookshelf textures updated -Cactus bottom texture updated -Dirt, coarse dirt, dirt path, grass block side, grass block snow, podzol side, and rooted dirt received new textures -Crafting table textures updated to match crafter block -Crimson stem top is now animated -Warped stem top is now animated -Prismarine bricks, dark prismarine bricks, and prismarine shards are now animated -Daylight detector received new textures -Deepslate coal ore updated -Diamond, iron, and lapis ore updated to match stone -Dragon egg texture updated -Fletching table textures updated to match birch planks -Grass block top updated to texture update 1.0.0 texture -Grass block side overlay matches grass block top -Lectern colors updated to match oak plank colors -Loom textures updated to match oak plank colors -Observer top texture updated to match furnace texture -Piston textures updated to match furnace textures -Smithing table textures updated to match plank textures -Sea lantern received new texture -Smooth stone and smooth stone slab textures updated to match stone texture -Stonecutter bottom updated to match top -Cow and mooshroom textures have minor color adjustments -Creeper texture updated to match oak leaf texture -Decorated pot side texture updated -Enderdragon fireball matches Bedrock edition -Magmacube updated to match netherrack texture -Blaze texture saw minor color adjustments -GUI and HUD textures updated -Blaze powder and blaze rod textures updated -All tools updated to match netherite tools -Iron and netherite hoes have seen minor color adjustments -Iron nugget texture updated to match golden nugget -Enchanted, knowledge, writable, and written books updated to match book texture -Wheat, pumpkin, and melon seeds received new textures -Record discs updated -Nether wart received new texture -Spawn egg textures updated to match turtle eggs -Warped fungus on a stick texture re-aligned -Bad omen, strength, and weakness effect textures updated -Diamond, gold, iron, and leather armor layer 1 textures updated -Angry, damage, goldhear, and heart textures updated to match health boost texture -Dried kelp changed to match Bedrock edition -Bottle O' enchanting changed to match splash potion